Wednesday, June 14, 2006

World Cup 2006

It's the World Cup and this year I'm catching a record number of games on TV. Yeah!

Like all the gurus and experts out there, I going to stick out my neck and predict the teams for the 2nd round:

Germany, Eucador, England, Sweden, Argentina, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Portugal, Czech, Italy, Brazil, Croatia, South Korea, Switzerland, Spain, Ukraine.

Which of the favourites did I left out? France - why becos they sucks. Fell asleep last night watching them played the Swiss.

Also, anybody noticed? - 4 years ago, it was blonde or gold hair - this time round the trend seems to be botak - Brazil got Roberto Carlos, Ronaldo(look much better than the silly china boy hair the last time round) and a few others, France got Zindane, Henry, Barthez and the list go on. Maybe botak head - less weight - therefore can run and head better - hmmm maybe I should also go botak - at least than don't have to worry about the greying white hair

1 comment:

  1. Tekko, your head shape doesn't seem suitable for botak style; so please stick with your white hair la...

    I like your predictions for the teams, but I added in Korea. Support Asia! (& Germany. & Argentina. & Brazil. & Italy.)

