Sunday, August 27, 2006

AHM 2006

At last the day of the AHM. This is the race that I been waiting for - since it was my first race ever back in 2004 and I missed last year's due to the flu. Also, this will possibly be my swansong for this year as I doubt I will be able to do the SCSM so soon after the op.

However, it is a race that I'm really ill prepared for. Mileage has been extremely low for the past months and the past 2 weeks only did 1 5km (treadmill) and on Thursday a slow 6km or maybe less at the Running Lab run. Moreover, I don't know whether the knees will be able to take the pounding as it has swelled up again after subsiding for about a month. Also, there is some problem with the left ankle which I can't place.

After the screw up of last week NBRR, I was really apprehensive about today. Will I be caught in another traffic jam? Will I be able to find a parking lot? Yet it doesn't make sense for me to go too early. In the end, decided to reach there by 4.30 pm. Picked up Cosmic and M's uncle and boy was I relieved when I reached Raffles City with plenty of time to spare.

Met a few of the SGrunners at the fountain. At the start point, managed to squeeze myself to the 1st quarter. Saw Bug, Dream and DO. Babymon came later and urged her to move right to the front as she has a good chance of coming in tops. Also saw Spiderman and Jenab.

The race was flagged off sharp at 5.30am. Initially, ran with Mightyjoe and Terence (from the Running Lab run) but Terence soon move off and I also pushed ahead. The first 2 km was covered in 11:33 which was what about 5:45 pace. Up on the ECP, I saw Run3 flew by and than Cosmic. Caught up with Loneshark, formerly known as Nemo, Fennel and Doremon Red. The 4 of us played catch each other all the way to East Coast Park. The next 9 km was done at an average pace of 5:25. Somewhere, along Mounbatten Rd, IMD came running by. He had started behind and was making up for lost time.

At the 11km water point, took my packet of Hammergel. First time I am taking this for a 21k run but it was expiring soon and if I don't finish it, it was going to waste. Along Nicoll Highway, I was running alone - not too sure where Loanshark and the 2 ladies were - behind or in front. Along Middle Rd, I spotted Brokie in front. Decided to tail her but unfortunately for both of us, we got stopped at a traffic light. So we started chasing each other. I overtake her and she overtook me but like the Mizuno run, I got more motivation running behind her sexy little bum than running in front of her. Ha Ha! Got stopped at another traffic light. Not too sure whether it is good or bad. On the one hand, the stop allowed me to get my breathe back but also disrupt the rhythm. Decided to run smart - when I see the runners in front stopped at the run, I reduced my pace and so eventually when I reached the junction, they would have moved off and I didn't have to stop.

The right knees had started to give problem back at the halfway point but no choice already half way done - have to complete. Now the left ankle also started to give problem. This was made worse by my removing my orthodics insole this morning and choosing to run without it. Unfortunately, I forgot to put in the original Ascis insole and was just using a very thin Reebok insole. Everytime the foot hit the floor, it would go flip flop flip flop sending shockwave after shockwave up the body.

Maybe I was too tired and didn't notice but I didn't see any distance marker after the 16km. Along South Bridge Rd, I managed to catch up with Reno whom I had last saw at Shenton Way. Then Loanshark ran past (ha.. he was behind me) he seems to have much energy - he would charge at full speed and than slow down and repeat this throughout the entire run. If I do like him, I would have pengsan long ago. Dasher also came by. He complained of ankle pain but dashed off almost as fast. I guess we have less than 1 km to cover but I was tiring and decided not to give chase to all of them including Brokie who was still in front. This last 5km I covered in a poor time of 29:39 almost 6min pace. Eventually, crossed the finished line at 1:58:03 (based on my watch).

Not too great but also not too bad for an old man running with 2 bad legs. No PB but this was never a race for PB. It is a race against myself, my mind and my body. At least now I can go for my surgery on Tuesday satisfied that I have done my best and finished what I had set out to do.

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