Friday, August 18, 2006

Mental Block??

2nd time in a row that I skipped the RL Thu Night Run and for the slightest of reasons.

Last week was this funny feeling on the left sole. Told myself didn't want to take any chances. So skipped. Yesterday, using the Enbebe Bio-Ray knee guard for the second time, the knee felt very tight, in fact the whole leg felt very tight. So decided to skip last night as well.

Very unlike me. Growing old or just becoming plain lazy?

Mileage these few weeks have been very low - averaging only 15k and at most 20k max and only 2 runs a week. May be the lack of running is the cause? Maybe just a case of getting sian of running. Anyway, only 3 more runs (2 races and 1 normal run) to go before calling it a day temporarily.

Time to change the title of this blog to "Life Sucks"??

1 comment:

  1. hang in there, tekko!

    maybe its just you being cautious with your injury and op! there's nothing wrong to be prudent yah...

    take care and don't beat yourself up for take a break once in a while! :)

