Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Osteopath Treatment

Went for my fourth treatment today. The knee feels better but unfortunately even Jose admits surgery is necessary after viewing the MRI and x-ray. :(

What exactly is Osteopathy? According to the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - it is the practice of therapy based on manipulation of bones and muscles. This school of medicine, founded by A. T. Still in 1874, maintains that the normal body produces forces necessary to fight disease and that most ailments are due to “structural derangement” of the body. Frequent slight strains are held to be capable of causing misalignment of bones and various other conditions of the muscle tissue and cartilage, and treatment is directed toward correction of these conditions.*

For those who tends to suffer pain/injuries after running - I strongly recommend paying him a visit to check out what's wrong. Like in my first visit, he checked the wear patterns on my shoes, made me run and found out my left leg tends to swing out and my right leg lands harder. He recommended orthotics insole (not cheap though. In fact, the whole treatment is expensive but certainly I do see improvement after treatment. Somemore he throw in massage, ultrasound treatment as and when necessary. The swelling has gone down. The only thing about the treatementis it is damn painful when Jose is manipulating the joint. What I like is that he not just treat the problem but he corrects my running postures, and show techniques on how to strengthen the affected jointand exercises to strengthen the quadss. I suppose he is like a physio, chiropractor,tuinai, podiatrist combines into one.

Check him out at Osteopathic Pain Relief Centre. Free advice every Thursday 12 - 1.30 pm.

*Source: "osteopathy." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2006. Answers.com 15 Aug. 2006. http://www.answers.com/topic/osteopathy

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