Tuesday, September 05, 2006

1st 5 days of MC

It's been 5 long days of pure torture - it's so freaking boring staying at home Already finished all the movies borrowed from Eric, made a mistake and borrowed 1 whole lot of John Grisham's books and find that I don't like his style of writing. Got so desperate yesterday that I decided to play the Xbox but old already don't know how to use the controller got fadup of crashing the cars after 10 minutes switched to Halo and after 10 minutes of walking around gave up and went to sleep again!

Really looked forward to today physio - anything just to go out for a while. Stayed at CGH for 4 hours before reluctanly returning home. During the physio session, got some bad news - seem instead of being out for 1 month - I am unlikely to be able to run or even swim for the next 6 months because the surgeon did an additional procedure on me - ie. microfacture of the bone. That was what was causing the pain and also why I'm not allowed to bend my leg.

Came back and read the doctor notes again - hell - he did 3 microfactures, 1 resection of the Medial Plica and the repair of the Meniscus. ...What the ... Oh well, it's time to sleep again!


  1. *ouch* eh, though not exactly sure what's a microfacture...

    take care yah. be good lah... do u want other books? i have got lee child's books if u like thrillers. check out www.leechild.com. lemme know if u like them and i pass u some of the books okies?

    chi running book and paula radcliff's book too.. u want?

    head up, chin up... u will be fine soon!

  2. Thank Divey for the offer but actually I also too lazy to read zzzzz is much better

  3. you need older games lah...how about pacman....:)

    There is quite a few online games, very interesting. Balls or card games type...check out gamehouse..:)

