Monday, September 11, 2006


It is the 11th day since the operation.

I have gone off the pain killer totally although there is still some pain now and than but nothing unbearable. I am now able to walk and bent the leg a bit but under doctor's order, still have to use the crutches. The physio has promised that when I can bend my legs to 80%, I can start going on the stationery bike. Right now it's about 60% so am working hard to reach that.

Went out for the 1st time other than to the hospital on Saturday to Raffles City. The Vitamin Research girls are having a relaunch of their shop. There is a small crowd there. Their business seems to be doing well although I don't really understand their concept. Who do they sell to? They are not retail based although they have a retail outlet. To clinics? Do clinics dispense the supplements they sell? They also don't really promote their bio-testing aggressively. I guess being in the financial line make me real curious about how people run their business. Ayway, all the best for the relaunch.

On Sunday, went with M to East Coast Park. She is training for the half marathon for the SCSM this year end. Got her to just do a 10k run whilst I walked for 25 minutes - for a total distance of maybe 1km? A record for me! Followed through with all the usual leg and core exercises to strengthen the leg while waiting for her to return. Feeling very good.

Tomorrow, will move on to the next phase of exercise to get back in shape.


  1. welcome back to the outside world. Looking good...:)

  2. Hey Tekko,

    Wishing you a speedy recovery! Take care and rest well!

    Best rgds,

