Monday, October 30, 2006

A Hot Run

Saturday afternoon, the ladies went for a run at East Coast Park. Originally scheduled to start at 4pm, I pushed it down to 4.30 as I thought it was too hot. M, Bambi and Michelle started first running from Car Park G to Safra Resort. They are supposed to do 20km and 15k respectively. Roo and Wei Jian came later. They met up with the 3 front runners and went for 15k. This will be the longest run ever for Michelle, Roo and WJ. Ben joined us later and decided to run the same route although he was almost 45 minutes behind the rest.

When I reached the 1st waterpoint after the chalet, the ladies were already there waiting for me. They were screaming for water. The way they drank, you could have thought they were in the desert. Between the 5 of them + Alicia who was blading, they finished 1 and a half bottle of 1.5ltr H20. Guess the sun was still too hot for them.

At the next water point which was 12km & 9km from start for the 2 groups, they took another breather and gamely went on. I could see that they were real tired. Their lack of exposure in running during the afternoon shows. Ben soon caught up with them at this point - still running steadily at - I think a slow 5min pace for him.

Michelle and WJ completed their run after 16km and 13 km. They hopped into the car and we went to the next water point to wait for the rest. Bambi and M came back after doing 19km and decided to stop. Roo also came in shortly after having run walk the last 2km. Her longest distance ever!

Well done ladies!

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