Sunday, October 22, 2006

This Past Week

Continued my daily workouts but after last week mild scare re - a frozen shoulder, dare not use too heavy weights. Carried on the stationery bike three days in a row. At least now I can cycle without bringing the seat so far up that I can barely touch the pedals. Went swimming on Saturday. Managed to do total of 1.6km. Unfortunately, still cannot keep the stupid legs kicking and floating and without the leg buoy, can't even do a proper front crawl. Look like got no choice but to go for lessons.

The haze lighten up a bit on Saturday so the Missy managed to catch Bambi for a run. As usual, I played waterboy. This time, the 2 ladies managed to do 18km in 2 hrs 14 mins. They getting there very smoothly. At this rate and with 1 more month to go, they should be able to finish the half in the target time.

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