Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Send the car for service and while waiting for it to be completed, hopped over to Tampines Safra. Did my own time trial to see whether I can qualify for the next bia.

Swam breaststroke all the way.

First 10 laps - 500m 14:16
Next 10 laps - 500m 14:26
Last 10 laps - 500m 14:03
Total time for 1.5k 42:45

Sigh still some way to go.

Ended with another 10 laps front crawl. This one average lap is 1:30 lagi slow.

Back to the drawing board

Sunday, February 25, 2007

More Haste Less Speed

Join some sgrunners for a run this morning. Started at kembangan CC ran to Bedok Res did 1 round before running home. Total of roughly 12 km. Time taken - a whooping 1:34m. Incredibly slow almost a full 8 min pace.

Running slow is no fun. Not that I am very fast but at jogging pace - there is no adrenalin rush. You just plod on and on and it's like dying a slow death. Running at a faster pace - until your lungs like want to burst, cannot breath or like someone said - until want to vomit - that's more challenging. How to compare the two? The former is like sitting on a Ferris wheel and the latter like riding the roller coaster. Unless the Ferris wheel is like Big Flyer than at least there is some meaning. Translate to running - it means LSD and definitely anything less than 20k is not a LSD by any stretch of imagination. Otherwise, running a 10k at 8min pace - that's really like er I think some people can walk faster than that!

But I am getting impatient. I shouldn't rush it. So my motto for now will be: More Haste Less Speed

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday Run

Took leave today. Original plan was to sleep in after sending the kids to school, go do last minute new year shopping and go Running Lab run in the night.

Than Mum sprung a last minute surprise by informing the cleaning lady coming at 7.30am instead of on Friday. There goes the sleeping.

So after dropping off the kids, we went over to East Coast Park for a run. Ran from Area C to Area A and back covering a approximate distance of 9.5km. Area C:1780km Area B:2130 according to the distance marker on the floor and Area A my aggraration is 750 m. Took slightly over 1 hour which work out to about 7min pace. So far the longest run in term of distance and timing.

After that it was non-stop makan - breakfast at CMC; Hill St char kway teow for lunch; cookies esp pineapple tarts sampling at Taka; Moochi tasting at Chinatown.... all sinfully delicious!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Botanic Garden Run

Joined the sgrunners for the monthly BG run. This is the 2nd time, the first being quite a long time ago when the VRP girls was there to give a short talk on vitamins. Today turnout was smaller than the last round maybe because the distance to be run was too short?

Anyway, Brokie led the run which was supposed to be for 10km. Decided that I didn't want to push it and will run a shorter distance of maybe 8km. Me, M and Terence kept pace with the pack until the Orchid garden where we stopped for a toilet break and lost the pack. So the three of us ran on to the main gate and while waiting for the light to change, the rest came. Apparanently, they had taken a wrong turn and ran a longer distance in the garden. Since we were now together, decided to just continue and so from there we crossed to the former CMPB before turning into Ridley Park and finally Tanglin Rd. At Ridley Park, everybody attention was centred on No 2 where there was a row of luxury sports cars mostly Ferraris and also a Pagani Zonda! By the way, that house belongs to Mr Tommie Goh, former founder of JIT.

Cars are for sitting, legs are for running so we continued running down Tanglin Rd to Nassim Hill and finally back to Cluny Road. Estimated distance for me is about 9km - the longest run in term of timing and distance since coming back.

Back at the track Sebastian gave a demo on brisk walking. I liked the way he gelek but this one not easy. Brokie practised ernestly - she doing some competition in March. Unfortunately, had to rush back and couldn't join the rest for makan.

I enjoyed the run. Felt good - no pain, no tightness. Maybe will push for 10k the next round.

Friday, February 02, 2007

You still dare to run?

Interesting. Yesterday at the office while getting ready to go for the RL run, a few kind colleagues expressed shock when they saw me in my running gears. Questions started flying - you still dare to run?; why are you still running? you better don't run otherwise you injure yourself again? To those that I am closer to, I explained that that was the whole point of me going under the knife - so that I can run again. To the others, I just smile at them.

And that is precisely the point - if I don't want to run again, I wouldn't even need to go for the operation. But I can't blame them. They are not sports inclined. Probably the only sports they do now are 'bedminton' or 'pocket billard'.

On the other hand, running friends have been asking when I will go running with them or how soon I am going to race. Again, my answer is - all in good time. My current motto is 'More haste less speed'. So I am inching forward slowly km by km, min by min. No rush moving on only when I am confident and there is no pain.

Since December, I have moved on from 2km to the current 6 - 7 km at 7 - 8 min pace. The target is 10km by end March so I am slightly ahead of target at this point in time. If everything is okay - than will value-add to the target - maybe 10km under 60 mins.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

JPMorgan Corporate Chase 2007

Wow has it been more than a year already? It seems like only recently that I went for the Captain Briefing at Capital Tower. Also when opening the company's fridge, I keep seeing the leftover 100+ that I bought for the weekly runs inside so it seems like a recent event. Alamak, now need to check the 100+ got expiry date or not?

Anyway, this time round the people attending the briefing seems lesser. The route has changed slightly due to the ongoing construction walk along Marina Promenade. Most of the run itself will be on Raffles Ave with only the 2 end portion on the promenade itself.

Met Jenap at the briefing. She has recovered from dengue and looking well. She said she lost 7 kgs. Told her most ladies and nowadays guys will love to be in her position to just lose 7 kgs in such a short time. Ineresting lady - last year she was Catwoman in the SCSM. This year she will be ....................

The price has gone up again! It is now $35.00 up from last year $30.00. It's so damn expensive. If the company is not sponsoring, don't think I want to do it. Too damn crowded anyway and the goodie bags sucked big time. Door gift this time round is a cheap looking pedometer that can measures number of steps and convert to distance as well.
