Sunday, February 25, 2007

More Haste Less Speed

Join some sgrunners for a run this morning. Started at kembangan CC ran to Bedok Res did 1 round before running home. Total of roughly 12 km. Time taken - a whooping 1:34m. Incredibly slow almost a full 8 min pace.

Running slow is no fun. Not that I am very fast but at jogging pace - there is no adrenalin rush. You just plod on and on and it's like dying a slow death. Running at a faster pace - until your lungs like want to burst, cannot breath or like someone said - until want to vomit - that's more challenging. How to compare the two? The former is like sitting on a Ferris wheel and the latter like riding the roller coaster. Unless the Ferris wheel is like Big Flyer than at least there is some meaning. Translate to running - it means LSD and definitely anything less than 20k is not a LSD by any stretch of imagination. Otherwise, running a 10k at 8min pace - that's really like er I think some people can walk faster than that!

But I am getting impatient. I shouldn't rush it. So my motto for now will be: More Haste Less Speed

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