Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bedok Reservoir/Tampines MBT Park Run

Normally I don't like those what I call touristy photo taking run cause one short run can stretch into hours and the many stops for photo taking is so disruptive for running but today.......ha ha today not only did I join 1 such run but I was actually the cameraman.

Some newer sgrunners members running at Bedok Reservoir decided to meet up so AC Leong roped me in to run to the MBT park. Except for Bee and AC, the rest of the runners who turned up were totally new to me. And all are getting younger and younger. So AC and myself were probably the oldest guy there up until Seong350 decided to gatecrash so there were 3 old men with a group of youngsters young enough to be our children.
We started from Bedok Reservoir, ran via Tampines Ave 10, Ave 9 before reaching the Tampines MBT park, the highlight of the run. The place was a throwback to our army days with the hills in the background for us to conquer and winding muddy path - like going for topo! There was even a Jurassic like field!

Unfortunately, like all phototaking sightseeing run, this short run of just approximately 10km took almost 1hr 45mins with so many stops for phototaking.

Anyway, it was nice meeting all this new guys and hopefully we can redo this run but this time without the phototaking.

More photos here


  1. Nice shots Tekko. Perhaps next time, we can engineer one for submission to Runners' World as a Rave Run :P

  2. That was an interesting run. Didn't expect such a scenic trail so near to where I stay!

    Thanks for being our tour guide and photographer!

  3. 3 old men with a group of youngsters??....Tekko, you too kind lah. Got this old aunty here also :-))

  4. Hi Lokun,

    Don't read Runners World. What is Rave Run?


    Thanks for organizing it.


    Ha ha, anybody younger than me is young:)

  5. Hi, can i request that you map out the route using the MapMyRun tool?


  6. Hi Leow,

    You can check out the route from this blog post:

