Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weight Loss

People complained it is so easy to gain weight and so difficult to lose weight.

I have the reverse problem. 

Have been trying to gain 4 kg since a year ago and till now the most I managed was 2kg. 

Having said that, for those who are desperately trying to lose weight, I have the best method.

Forget about all those stylo-milo diet plan 'conned' up by the angmoh. Those doesn't work. Even if it does, I am sure no know want to go through the rest of our life religiiously watching what we can and cannot eat and counting calories every time we want to eat something.

Talking about calories - everybody said to lose weight, calorie intake should be less than calorie output and vice versa. That is easier said than done. e.g. How much calorie is a plate of char kway teow? What is the difference if you order a $2, $3 or share a plate? So confusing right? How much calories do we burn if said we run for say 30 mins, 1 hours or cycle 2 hours? How to remember things like that?

So forget all this mumbo jumbo. This here is the secret to weight loss for all those who can't be bothered to count calories or exercise:

Fall Sick! Yes, remember everytime you visit somebody in hospital or somebody who is sick, the very first thing you will notice is how much weight the person has lost? Yes falling sick is the lazy man answer to weight loss. I remember many years ago when I was hit with thyroid, I lost so much weight within 2 months that I can easily put 2 chickens into my pants:) So those who want to lose weight - go get a bout of sickness. Guarantee to work... or if it doesn't work and death occurs, than all the more reasons no need to worry about being fat right?

1 comment:

  1. Funny how I was so worried about my weight when I was in my 20s (remember those TPC time Koh?)

    Now, it is more for health reason I exercise and funny thing is I don't care my calories anymore....I automatically eat less ;)

    Darren has this problem of not gaining weight too...hey he must join you in marathon...he is such a exercise freak ;)

