Monday, April 20, 2009

Afternoon Delights

The past few days have been extremely hot and so decided not to bother with morning runs. 

Took a chance that it won't rain in the afternoon and fortunately it did not and went to MR on Saturday evening for a run with M.  I know M don't like to run there so it was very nice of her to agree to go. She knows I quite sick of East Coast already. We started at 5.30pm from the Northern Trail. At 5+, the trails were pretty dark due to the dense canopy. The cacopAfterhony of forest sounds were very loud and M later commented that she was so scared although I reasoned that a forest without a single sound will probably be more scary. Inside the trail, although the sun was blocked out, it was still pretty hot and the humidity was as high as well and within 10 minutes I was totally drenched down to the socks. It looks like I had plunged into the reservoir although at some point in the run, I really wished I could do so. It was so darned hot!

Sunday was no better. There were thunder in the morning so slept in again. Afternoon, the sun was blazing hot and so waited until past 6 before heading out. But barely 5 minutes into the run, thunders could be heard all over and as I ran into Changi Business Park, could see streak of lighting coming down all over the place. Was wondering whether it was wise to continue as I will be running on open ground at Changi Business Park next to the PIE. Took a chance and decided to try and outrun the thunder, lighting and rain. Was wearing my Nike Lunar which does not have an ID tag so in my heart was wondering what was going to happen if I really sway sway kena strike by lighting. Some more in such a desolated area on a Sunday evening. Likely my body will only be discovered the next day when the workers arrives for work. And they still have to identify me. Anyway, completed the run in one piece which is why I am to write this crap:)

Later over dinner told M that if I do not return from a run within 1 and a half hours, to cross over to CGH. Likely will be able to find me there:(


  1. Touch wood, my friend! banish such morbid thoughts!

  2. Have to be realistic. Accidents can and do happens :)

  3. Good point about the ID tag. Must remember to switch it around to the different shoes...

  4. See, M so nice :)

    From here I can see that you don't like to run indoor huh? I think my stamina is better when I hit the treadmill but slowly doing well when I jog outside the road.

    So both you & M run every weekend?

  5. Shionge,
    I don't like to run on the dreadmill. Oops I mean treadmill. I scare I will fall off hahaha

