Monday, July 06, 2009

Pain Ranking

Like the Singapore gahmen, I have decided to rank something - my injury and pain threshold!

So on a scale of 1 to 5:

1. Peekaboo - sometime present sometime not. In another words, Totally ignored
2. Always there but never there - Can feel something all the time but no noticeably pain. Does not impaired activities. Generally ignored
3. Pain pain go away - Pain is now prevalent but bearable whenever do strenous activities such as running, jumping. Ignore at own peril
4. It's here to stay - Pain is now omnipresent but bearable. All activities are affected like walking with a noticeable limp, unable to fully bend limbs. Better rest or else..
5. Get me a doctor - Pain require painkiller. Not possible to do normal activities. Medical attention required.

So 2 weeks ago, when I talked about a slight pain in the leg, I was at level 2. Of course, after 1 week of rest, I resumed running. And now after Saturday's run, I am now at level 4.

Darned. I have always advised friends whenever I hear of their problems to rest blah blah blah and my fave words: more haste less speed but trust me to ignore it myself. So it back to resting and this time possibly for longer period. Question is: will I be able to resisti?


  1. Koh

    I am the same age as you are.
    When I first started "serious" running more than a year ago, the knees could not take it (ligaments inflammed).
    Still, against doctor's orders, kept running and it became an obsession.
    The pain actually became less (hope it stays that way).
    Love your blog!

  2. hmm sorry I kaypoh. You must be somebody I know since you know my surname but who exactly are you?

  3. I am actually the one who is kaypoh.
    Saw your timing for the Mt. Faber run.
    Check it against the results and saw your name there.
    Talking about that run, did not actually slept the night before.
    Was working throughout that Saturday night and went straight for the run at 6am.

    Maybe we can meet up (looking for running partners).
    Quite boring running alone and needs motivation.


  4. Misery loves company. I have unfortunately sprained my leg yday in a run too. Such a spoilsport...

    Take care and rest well though


  5. Hi Wong,,
    Join us at There are a lot of organised group runs which shld meet your requirement. If you training for the AHM/SBR, why not join Team Fatbird.
    And oh by way, it's really not good to continue to run if there is an injury.

    Hi John,
    Injuries sucks yah!

