I was like shit!@$ I had paid nearly a hundred bucks for the 4 of us to take part in this run and I be dammned freaking mad if the rain wash it out. I was so looking forward to this. The last time I was in Pulau Ubin was like a decade ago and I have always wanted to run there for the longest time. Also, this was the first time the whole family was going to run together in an event and I wanted very much for this family outing to be a success and enjoyable one. Not one where we will end up like miserable wet dogs!
We were early and walked around in the light drizzle before the Kid and I started off at 3.50pm in the 10 km run. The run was sounded (no flag) off by 'Brother'(?) Lim Swee Sway. Sounded like a church event. Wondered why the MC called him that? Shouldn't it be comrades?
Anyway, because it was a run and not a race, there were very few participants - probably about 1000. No elites too and best of all, no human jam! Anyway, like the MC said, it was a run not a race so we took our time. I stopped every now and then to take photographs (see the complete set on facebook) but reckoned I was still running in the first quarter of the field. Met an old schoolmate. Good to see friends from the past. Also, one of the volunteers at a water point called out my name and I was like who? but waved hi, cracked a joke and left still clueless who he was! Completed the run in slightly under 1 hour. Thought the distance was a tad long based on my pace but maybe it was the small slopes here and there that made it seemed so. Anyway who's counting?
All in all, a wonderful run nevermind that there was no goodie bag. It was for a good cause and it didn't get rained out and I had fun. That's all that matters.
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