Tuesday, March 02, 2010

RL Runs with Luke McKenzie

Courtesy of the people at K-Swiss and Running Lab. Luke Mckenzie, 3 time World Ironman Champion came down to Running Lab Novena for a short run and about 60 people turned up for the occasion. I too came to kapo a bit, (actually the nice people at RL promised me a nice t-shirt if I come and help out) so for the sake of the t-shirt I dutifully made my way down to Novena.

The run started at about 7.15pm after a short briefing by Stephen Locke of K-Swiss Singapore. The runners were divided into 3 groups with the first group being the fastest runners, the 2nd group the average and the last group, the err not so fast runners. Naturally, I was with the last group. Luke Mckenzie, playing his PR role to the hinge, started off with the first group and ended with the last group. What a nice gesture.
Everybody had fun, I think especially those who walked away with K-Swiss premiums and gifts from the lucky draw. Me? All I had was a t-shirt and oh yeah - a photo with the man himself!

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