Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Face white white, legs like jelly

It started off well enough. Originally wanted to go swimming but M said she wanted to do a short run since she wasn’t free for the next couple of days. So we did an easy 8 km run around the neighbourhood. Not satisfied with the run, and since I have my first stair event coming up next week, I decided to do a “dry run”.

So after the run, went to the nearest block and dutifully tried to run up the first few flights of stairs. M laughed when she saw my first few movements and told me she could do it faster than me. She had originally said she wasn’t going to do the stairs and so I did she then reckoned she could beat me to the top so she decided to follow suit. So I huffed and puffed and pulled myself 2 steps at a time to the top – all 13 floors of it. M? After the first few floors, I didn’t hear her movement. Maybe she fell down the stairs? No such luck. She came up shortly and said she gave up at the 7th floor lol!

We took the lift down and she decided she had enough while I went for a second set. This time, the legs were really like stone and I had to literally haul myself up each flight of step. And when I finally took the lift back down and M was waiting there, she said my face was all white like I seen a ghost. Luckily she didn’t notice the legs shaking. The legs were quavering like jelly and I had to hold on to the pillar for support while pretending to do some stretches.

Yesterday run was just 8km compared to 10km next week and the 26 floors I did should be equivalent to just 20 floors of Marina One? I think I am in big trouble next week.

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