Monday, November 21, 2005

Run with MR 25

Yesterday, decided to join Sebas and his MR 25 runners for their LSD. Heard the MR 25 runners are fast. A bit apprehensive whether can keep up with them.

There was a group of about 30 runners. They split into 2 groups - the slower one to start first. Sebas and myself started with the so called 'slower runners' at 7 am. The route - MacRitchie to Seletar and back - total of 20k. Within 10 minutes of starting, the front pack was gone from my sight. Whoa! We were already running at app 6k pace and those buggers are fast despite most of them like look way above 45 years old. Sebas said to take it easy - no need to follow their pace. Decided to stick to one slightly older looking guy running about my pace. Then the 2nd batch came and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. My God and I thought the first group was already fast. I estimated they were all running at 4.50 to 5m pace and we had barely passed Thomson Plaza.

Finally reached the toilet at Seletar. By then, there were only 4 of us left - the rest had already turned back long ago. Stopped to take the Hammergel and chitchat with the 3 runners. Then saw a familiar looking lady running past. Realised it was Carine from sgrunners. Caught up with her and said hi. She was running at quite a slow pace so after some time decided to speed up and left her.

Reached back to MacRitchie alone. The older guy I was sticking with had gone ahead when I stopped at the petrol station to get a drink while the other 2 guys were nowhere in sight. Quite sure they didn't past me. Also no sight of Carine.

Time taken 1hour 58m. Not too bad 6min pace throughout - considering the toilet and the drink break which cost me at least 5mins. Found out later the other MR 25 runners clocked on average 1.20 to 1.40. Sebas took 1.37.

I think better stick to running with sgrunner. These people at MR 25 simply way too fast for me.

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