Monday, November 14, 2005

Sunday 13 November 2005

Yesterday was a long day. Woke up at 5.00 am to go for my final long run. Saw thunder flashing and promptly went back to sleep for another hour. Finally took off at 6.30 am. The Mrs was going to use the car later so decided to run from Simei to East Coast and meet her there after the run.

The morning air was cool. Reached East Coast Park in app 37 mins. From the underpass, turned up to SAFRA Resort. Met a relative of the Mrs. U-turn at the Resort. Reached the first toilet. Stoppd for a water break. Alamak, the drink stall has closed down! No choice, made do with tap water. Continued up to Fort Rd, crossed the metal bridge and uturn at the 10 km marker. On the way, met Dan walking with his mother (filial son), Novaflux running with his sister-in-law and the Mrs's relative again. Don't know his name. Look like he's training for the marathon as well. This 10 km - took 1.07 hrs. Very comfortable pace. The sun has risen and it's hot, scorching hot. Stopped for toilet break, followed by a drink and then later at the food centre took my $6.95 GNC energy gel. Don't know whether it's all in the mind but felt more spring in the leg. Finished this 10 k in 1.15 hrs. Wah very slow but energy level running low. Distance so far 32k +/-. Continued up to SAFRA resort again. It's hot, very hot. Can feel the leg starting to seize up. U-turn at SAFRA entrance.

By now very tired and no water. Saw an inviting stretch of shade and decided to pause for a short rest. Ha - the trouble with running without a companion! simply no motivation to push myself that little bit further! The minute I sat down, I knew I was in trouble. The front of both legs started to harden up and cramped. Did some stretching and massage and called the Mrs to drive up to the nearest car park and I tried to walk there to meet her. After walking for about 5 minutes, realised the leg felt light again and decided to run again. Surprisingly, felt good and decided to run the remainder targeted distance but the Mrs called and said she's at the carpark. So final distance ran 37.5 k +/- in a 'record' breaking time of 4.38hrs. Shame - no where to hide my face.

Anyway, despite the slow time - was more optimistic than ever. Firstly, was able to simulate the cramp and most important of all recover from it. This will be very useful during the actual race. Secondly, the experience of running in the hot sun and letting the body get used to the distance and time. The pace today especially during the 1st 20km is the pace I intend to do for the marathon so today was really a good practice.

In the afternoon, attended the sgrunnes gathering talk given by Lim Ngee Huat. His recap of his 168 k run round Singapore really inspired me. If he can do 168k at 52 years I don't see why I can't do a proper 42 at age 43! Also, got many tips and pointers on training. Met many more of the sgrunners. Too bad got no time to join in the run.

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