Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mizuno Wave Run 2006

The 1st of my last 3 races for this year.

I felt like Rambo preparing for war - first a layer of Tiger Rub on both knees, than strapped on a patella strap on the left and the new Chiro-pac strap on the right knee. Inside the shoes were 2 newly acquired mouldable insole. Inside my head - my mind was wondering - Could I be able to complete it? Will I be forced to give up midway just like last Thursday at the RL run when I stopped after just 5 minutes of running. This time I will not be running for PB. This time I will be running against myself. If I can complete, I will be satisfied. Any thing else will be a bonus.

There was a good turnout. A lot of sgrunners. The race started sharp at 7.30 am. The initial run was at a pretty slow pace as I couldn't move past the crowd. But I was comfortable with the pace and the knees seem to be okay so I decided to stay at that pace. Sukami passed me and zoomed off. I hope he will come in top 10.

To my surprise, when I reached the 2.5km mark, my watch showed 10:07. I couldn't be that fast. I was running definitely at in my estimation 6 - 6.30 pace. Something must be wrong with the distance marker. Passed by a few other runners - Sandy, Flip and a few Safra runners whom I recognise but didn't know their name. Reached the 5km marker in 16:03 ha this seems more reasonable timing for a 2.5km at this pace. Total time so far on my watch: 26:11. The weather was good. Partly cloudy. Decided to skip the water points. Ran past Michael from SAFRA Tampines. Both of us ran catching each other before I moved off ahead. Went pass the Israeli guy from the RL run. He was walking. Called to him but he didn't seem to notice. Ran past Trackz. He was also walking. Encouraged him to push on. Reached the 7.5km mark. Time taken so far: 40:20. I was estactic. I was feeling good and running at a very consistent pace throughout. At this rate, I should finish under 1 hour - something that I dare not even hope for before I started. Than felt my right sole started to burn - must be the new insole. It is too high. I sm sure there must be a blister growing. Saw Dasher in front as usual listening to his IPOD. Caught up with him. Asked him to chiong the last few km. He mumbled something (what?) and moved ahead. I think he don't want this uncle nagging after him. Than Cosmic zoomed past - where did he came from? He is running very well. Taz came next. He inquired about my knees and than ran ahead. Contemplated running with him but decided there was no point. Brokie came along. Alamak, Dasher, Brokie and myself got stopped at the traffic light turning to Defu Lane. When we finally were allowed to run, Dasher dashed off. I decided to tailgate Brokie discreetly and admire her sexy behind (ha ha). And so it was like that all the way till the end. Total time according to my watch 54:14 not as good as last year but still something I didn't expect.

Waited at the finishing line for the rest of the gang to come in. Saw Karen (GR) first than Kick finishing strongly. M came next. I'm so proud of her. Her first 10k race and she finished in a time of 1:06:40 much better than I expected.

The VRP girls and Silencer we went for the famous beef kway teow - only it wasn't so nice. Turned out Michelle's hushand runs in the Animiles and knows a few of the sgrunners. What a small world!

Met M's uncle. He finished 12th in the men's veteran in a time of 43min. I am so impressed. As usual, tried to jio him to join sgrunners. He will be doing the AHM. Hopefully, will see him there again.

Next - the NB Real Run.


  1. go go go!
    its truly a small world afterall (there goes the song)

    all the best for NB Real Run

  2. take care of the knees man...even u dun need them for running...u still need them for walking ard

