Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The results are out - nope not of the World Cup which everybody from Germany to the Souh Pole probably know by now but the results of my MRI scan and it's bad news.

There is a misalignment of the meniscus on the outer right knee resutling in the femur not sitting properly on the tibia. This is what caused my inability to straighten the leg. According to Dr Chia, this was probably due to some trauma sustain from a fall or something serious quite long ago and did not fully recovered since than. Er I don't seem to remember anything like that though. Anyway, the MRI also shows there is a fragment right in the middle of the joint which is causing the inflamation.

So next week I have to see an Orthopaedic surgeon who will decide whether I have to go for surgery. Dr Chia thinks I have to. He likened it to a road with 1 pothole. If not repaired early, eventually the pothole will grow bigger and bigger as vehicles go over it. Likewise, if no surgery is done, the knee will become weaker and weaker.

So it looks like I going to be out of running for some time and the AHM will be my swansong for this year (if the doctor permits).


  1. Sorry to hear about your knee. But, I hope everything goes well for you. *fingers crossed*

  2. get well soon man... else how to escort the RL run

  3. sorry to hear that.....hope u will get over it soon and be on the road again

