Monday, July 03, 2006

Milk Run 2006

Went with the Mrs for the Milk Run. Didn't know what I was getting myself into when I signed up for it. On paper it was just a 8.4km run and in very familiar Kim Seng Promenade. Turned out to be one of the toughest run I ever did all because of the heat. It was hot, probably a ice melting 38 deg.

At the very cramped start point, met many many sgrunners. We squeezed together and went off at 3.30 pm sharp. As the park connector was barely 3 people wide, it was a squeeze but slowly the crowd dispersed as the fitter runners went ahead. Ronnie, Run3, TLR all zoomed past me. I ran at what I thought was a fast pace but after 10 minutes was gasping for breathe. The heat plus my lack of hard run during the past 3 weeks shows. I slowed down considerably to almost jogging pace and watched as people of all shapes and sizes zoomed past. After the first u-turn, stopped to take a drink - something I have never done for short run. It just showed how much the heat was affecting me. Turning back, the school kids on the 5km run started zooming past. Wow to be young again with all that energy! Took another drink at the same drinking point before continuing. 2 drink stop in a 8km run. I can't believe myself! Further down outside Clark Quay saw a lady being stretchered off. Just 500 min towards the end point, a guy was lying down. Guess the heat was really getting to everybody. Finished the race in 45:38m(self timed) which I thought was pretty decent.

At the end point, met many more sgrunners plus some runners from RL. Main grouse was the poor checkpoint control resulting in some runners doing only 1 loop. On the other hand, other than the Milo truck which ran out early, there was H20 aplenty and mineral water and countless banana! There was even a massage tent. Unfortunately the services was so good that they took 20 minutes to rundown 1 guy and in the end I gave up queuing.

M came in 1hr 1m 35s. Her very first race. I so proud of her. Now's she talking about doing the NB Real Run. Ha.. the adreline rush, the euphoria of finishing never fails to work wonder!

Next up - the Mizuno Wave.

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