Sunday, March 02, 2008

The North Face Arnuva 50 Boa

My NB 906 decided to 'talk' to me yesterday after the run at Bedok Reservoir.

So no choice finally decided to go get a new pair of trail shoe. Have been postponing it for some time. All the while wanted a North Face but somehow couldn't get one in my size. So it was a happy coincidence that just when the NB 906 decided to commit suicide, RL Velocity has a pair on Arnuva 50 Boa in my size. Rushed down today to get it. And doubly happy caused it came in my fav color!

According to the North Face website, "the Arnuva 50 Boa is built for the ultra-distance runner who runs trails, dirt paths, even road, and offering the innovative Boa® lacing system for a secure, near-custom fit"

Well I don't think I be running ultra distance any time in the near distance though having a pair of shoes for that purpose make me think..hmmm

The friendly salesman at the shop was telling me that it was a good shoe (he worn it for the last SCSM) but it was not good for wet weather and not very lasting. He was also of the opinion that it was not suitable for Bedok Reservoir's type of granite chip surface. The latter was a bit of a surprise since it was designed for trail and dirt path and therefore should be able to handle the type of light trail that we have in Singapore.

Anyway, will take it out for a test run soon.

Date of Purchase: 2 March 2008

Cost: $246.00

Purchase from: Running Lab Velocity

Worn in Races:
15 June 2008 Mizuno Mt Faber Run
19 July 2008 Inter Constituency Road Race
27 July 2008 Mizuno Wave Run
2 Nov 2008 Pearl Izumi Pure Run Series 3
7 Dec 2009 SCSM
7 Feb 2009 Safari Zoo Run
15 Feb 2009 Kampong Chai Chee Valentine Day Run
8 November 2009 NB Real Run

Retired: 9 November 2009

Total Mileage: 669.38km


  1. hey! ur shoes size same as my right? (US12)...can I borrow from you for test run one day?


  2. Can but I got a better idea. You wear your Salomon XA Pro 3D I wear TNF A50B we go Upp Pierce and run. Halfway at maybe Ranger station at MacRitchie we change shoes. How about that?

  3. Hehe, how about each of you wear Salomon on one foot and TNF A50B on the other.

    That will be the best way to test the responsiveness of the shoes. :)

  4. yeah! good idea!!

    the 2 shoes has different weight, cushioning and support......running will be unbalanced

