Saturday, May 16, 2009

A lethargic run

Ever had one of those days when you don't feel like running? Well today was such a day for me. We were at East Coast Park as usual. It was a great morning with rolling clouds, no bright glaring sunlight but somehow, despite the great weather, I couldn't get the engine going.

Within 5 mins of starting, I lost sight of M. I was so lethargic I couldn't summon any energy at all to chase after M. So in order not to lose face, I decided to do something different and that is to run on trail. Now where in EC park can one find trail? Not difficult it seems. Ever run in EC park and get legs and shoes all muddy? Well I surprised myself cos it happened to me while I do my 'trail' run - all 15km of it. From F2 to the end of the road till the KPE before turning back ran along the side of the pedestrian path or on the sand or grass patch. I estimated I did at least 90% of the run on these type of surfaces. Part of the grass were wet and muddy and I had a nice time slogging through it hence getting the shoes all muddy. Despite the flat ground, I ran slowly watching out for roots, portholes and dog shits! And that gave me a good excuse to tell M why I was so much slower than her:)

Anyway, while crossing the green metal bridge, saw this guy running out from the construction site. Bumped into him again at the end of the track at the KPE and asked him where he came from. Was very happy when he mentioned that he ran from Marina Barrage. Which means there is finally a clear path from the Barrage to EC Park. Hmm now to find some time to run it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm eager to see what the barrage to ECP route looks like as well. Pls post the route when you figure it out :)

