Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blister, blister everywhere


For the first time since I started running - I have multiple blisters all over my foot.

1. 1 big but now dried up blister on right foot arch - souvenir from the Borneo Marathon - likely caused by the orthontics insole

2. 2 permanent big blisters on the outside of the 2 big toes - present from Nike Singapore that comes together with the Nike Lunar. No amount of change of insoles (tried all types), socks help. The front is simply too narrow for my foot.

3. 1 newly acquired one on the left foot arch. Probably from lacing the Saucony Phoenix 3 too tight!

4. 2 tinny weeny one on the middle toe of each foot courtesy of my Sole flatbed insoles ganging up together with the Saucony Phoenix 3. 

So where else coming up next? Heel? Small toes? Urggggggggg


  1. Have u tried vaseline? So far works for me.

  2. Yes, try to put on some vaseline. Or if you don't mind to spend a bit, get BODYGLIDE (from the US, unlike vaseline it won't leave that oily feeling.

