Sunday, February 01, 2009

This Weekend Runs

Managed to get in 2 runs this weekend. after stuffing myself silly the whole week.

An easy run with the sgrunners at Tampines Mountain Bike Park. Met a few new runners Jeremy, Lionel (young enough to be my son), Caroline (Run Free) who not only run free but also run fast. Weather was good and despite the wide open ground, there was no heat. As usual, stopped at several stragetic locations to take photo (Brokie the cameralady). Pace wasn't really fast it was after all touted as an easy run to just burn off some new year goodies.
Photo courtesy of Brokenrunners. More photographs here

Sunday evening  went to East Coast Park. Did a short run with Alicia and M of 4km. Alicia just recovering from flu but still did creditably finishing the 4km in 26:18. She complained of stitches towards the end but that is to be expected given her current lack of fitness.

After that, while the ladies stopped, I went off for another round this time doing a 10km. With the body warmed up from the earlier run, and no 'shackle' to hold me back, decided to try and break my record for this route from F2 carpark to the traffic light). Unfortunately, despite the effort, still couldn't complete the 10k or so in under 50 mins finishing slightly off at 50:30. Oh well, another day then.


  1. because:

    1) big arms are nicer than skinny arms (i mean the nicely toned and muscular, not the steroids-enhanced nor fat-laden kind)

    2) my legs are quite big already so bigger arms will make me more proportionate

    3) bigger (stronger) arms will help me swim better

    4) i'll be able to help my mom hang the tekko(haha) with wet clothes out w/o dropping it

    4) i can punch pple who try to rob me

    5) if i accidentally fall off a cliff i'll have enough strength to hold on to the edge and climb back up

    so many reasons...i can't think of any reason not to have big arms! haha. (but no. 3 is the main reason lar)

  2. Koh - tell me how to motivate myself to run. By the time I finish about 2.4 km I 'struggle' mentally to continue till 3.2 km before hitting 4 km at around 31 to 33 mins (too slow I know)

    How often you meet your kakis to run? Too bad I stay too far from east coast leh.

  3. Shiong,

    Tell u how to motivate yourself? I can't even motivate myself. Ha Ha. But seriously, Run with friends, your children, take small steps - a bit at a time. Don't go for distance, just run about 20 - 30 mins each time and at different places like Kent Ridge Park, West Coast Park, Ulu Pandan Park Connector, Botanic Garden etc so you won't get bored.

  4. But the way I see it, you run as if you are walking running so often.

    Anyway, I was mostly at the treadmill for 30 mins and followed by steps when it is not crowded.

    I tried running at the Bukit Batok Nature Park though.

  5. Shionge ar, it's take time. Impt thing is to have fun. Run with your family and friends can help to motivate each other - go to different places so u won't get bored.

  6. haha too bad i signed on a 3 year membership not too long ago! (when they were still planet fitness)

    anyway i don't really want big biceps, i want strong lats and triceps and shoulders and back...

    then again i say so long already my arms still the same size. =p

