Friday, February 06, 2009

Someone is pissed

After all her hard work, Alicia is pissed. Today was her school's road run at East Coast Park but the school screw up big time and she ended up with a big fat zero.

The road run was divided into competitive and non-competitive and like all secondary schools, B & C division. She was in the competitive B division for girls. The run starts in wave but apparently to save cost, the school did not issue number tag. So how the hell do they keep track of who is who and running which event? Of course they failed to come up with a proper system and poor girl, she came in top 10 (her classmate came in 11th behind her) so she has to be top 10 but because the finisher at the end didn't know her and failed to issue her the position tag, she did not get any placing. And worse, apparently the boys and girls run a different distance and she goondu goondu went the boys' route (there was no marshall and only a small sign). To add salt to her wound, she overheard some girls who came in with placing talking of how they took 'shortcut'!

And the teacher's respond to her appeal: too bad no finisher number no placing!

What the heck! I feel for her so I going to write to the principal and kick a fuss and hope the idiot who is in charge of the whole thing get his ass kicked!


  1. Yes yes go and kick a BIG fuss..must be a PE teacher who organised this and only bring shame to PE teachers..go kick his/her ass!

  2. Right On!!! Wake them up and don't think they can do a shoddy job with no system.

    I am so sorry for Alicia and yes, let us hear the butt-kick ;)

  3. ha ha guys and gals, thank u for the morale support. Anyway after 2 days of cooling off, I think it is better to be more diplomatic and write a nice feedback instead of a complaint. Let's see what's the response first before kicking ass:)

