Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kampong Chai Chee Valentine Day Run

Saw this run on the forum and decided to sign up for it since the distance was just nice and we were still in nuahing mood. The Kampong Chai Chee Valentine Day Run is at Bedok Reservoir and distance is just 8.6km. There were 3 categories, namely Competitive, Couples and Fun. Originally, we were signed up for the Competitive (there were no option to tick on the online registration) but since it was held the day after Valentine Day, we changed to Couples. I also figured out our chance of winning something will be higher in the Couples event (assuming there are not a lot of strong couples running). Unfortunately, although I was proven right, we did not win anything!

The race was flagged off by Minister of State for Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan in 2 waves. The competitive runners started off first after an extremely long warm up by some lady from a gym. Slingrunner, Aerosolcan, K20z were the only runners from sgrunners that we met. Trailblazer was there to support as well. The Couples and Fun runners started about 5 minutes later.

As there were overall only around 250 competitors, half of which was in the competitiors category, we were able to start right at the front. From the flag off, I stayed in front checking back occasionally to see whether anybody in red bib was close behind. M was about 100 m behind. The strategy was for me to go all out and clock a good time and M's job was to finish in front of all the ladies:) As it turns out, I was able to maintain the lead throughout the 2 rounds without any guys in red bib coming close. Without any pressure, I reduced the pace and relax and finished in 46:35 mins + coming in first among all the guys in the Couples category. M too came in first among the ladies with a time of 49:14 mins. So I thought - this was it - first prize! But as things turn out, the Couples category was a fun race and there was no prize for coming in first! To make it worse for M, when the winner for the Ladies Competitive runners was announced, she discovered that based on her time, she could have come in 2nd!

M is pissed. In addition to not winning anything depsite the timing, she complained all the couples ran together except us (actually not true - the 2 guys behind me also came in without their other half) but I can smell trouble brewing and didn't want to push it.

And to make it worse, we had the worse ever breakfast at a coffeeshop there. There was a fairly long queue so we joined in and ordered the mee rebus and mee goreng. The mee rebus was so salty and the mee goreng was overcooked and there were these 3 flies buzzing around.

What a lousy start to the racing calender! We shoud just have stayed in bed and sleep in instead of getting up to run. At least that give my foot a few more days to rest. Now it's hurting like hell!

Anyway, Slingrunner came in 3rd and also walked away with the first prize in the lucky draw. [clap hand]. Read his field report here. Aerosolcan also won a consolation prize in the lucky draw. [clap hand some more]


  1. Oh sorry to hear this but great that you both 'enjoyed' an unforgettable Valentine's Day lor :D

    Is M a marathon runner too?

  2. Just for sharing.
    Here's the video valentine run:
    and running-related my video search:

    Wish you have a fun-filled year 2009.

  3. thanks but u captured me half naked. Now have to resign from all political parties liao:(

