Friday, December 08, 2006

The Aftermath

So the official results are out.

I am very proud of the young ladies who trained so hard during the past 12 weeks. I remembered first knowing them when they were just fledgings 1 year ago doing their run at Running Lab and with the exception of Karen, the rest struggled to finish the 6km run especially Ruth who complained and grumbled all the way and had to endure my nagging.

Now 1 year later, except for Karen who did the 10k, the rest Ruth, Bambi, Michelle and Molly gamely took on my dare and signed up for the half. The target was for them to complete in 3 hours although I was hoping that they can finish in 2:45. In the end, each one of them came in under 2:40.

Special mention must be made of Ruth who is going to be a beautiful bride in 1 week one. She had the least training runs - what with the haze causing her asthma to surface and than later on, injuring her ankle. All these on top of grooming herself for her wedding. She did very well considering that of the 4 gals, she had the lowest mileage but yet managed to finish under 2:40. Another plucky lady is Michelle who also didn't have a lot of time to run having to take turn with her hubby to babysit the children so that both can run. In the end, she finished in good form in 2:36. Bambi also persisted despite pain in the leg and finished in a time of 2:40mins. And finally for the Mrs who once said she cannot run and don't know how to run and those sole reason she took up running was to make sure I don't run astray.. she did very finishing in 2:20 something she didn't even expect.

So to all you ladies, I hope you don't mind my being so proud of you. You are the greatest!

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