Sunday, December 24, 2006

Life after Microfracture

Found a website by an American Chinese on his running life after microfracture. I am very much encouraged. This is evidence that there is life after microfracture. This guy, Sleelve managed to even qualify for Boston after his operation! Coincidentally, his operation was also towards the end of August in 1998 and he has posted a detailed schedule of his post-op training schedule. Comparing his program to my own, mine training seems like masak masak. No wonder he can do sub 3! Anyway, he started running around the 16 weeks which is for me like right around now.

Talking about running, did my first outdoor run (or should I say jog) today at Bedok Reservoir. It is so ironic. This time last year I ran there, Molly was the one running behind at a much slower pace and did only 1 round whereas I was far ahead and doing multiple rounds. Today is a complete reversal. She was at least 5 minutes faster than me and did 2 rounds compared to my 1. Still I have no complain. Fact is I managed to do 1 round without any pain or feeling any stress on the leg and that is a real big achievement and call for celebration!

1 comment:

  1. yay!!! congrats tekko!!! :)

    keep it up and u will be able to run multiple rounds soon!! :)

