Sunday, December 03, 2006

SCSM 2006

Today's the big day in Singapore running calendar.

To all my friends who ran today - well done especially to Ruth who despite her ankle injury managed to complete the half. Also to everybody else, you made me proud.

This is for you. This is your race.

For SGRunners - this one for you. See if you can spot any familiar faces.


  1. Faint!! You really made into utube. Lucky i din go the many training sessions which u do the video with. Marathon? WLL I guess...:P - GR

  2. aiyo! why you call us windbags?! but seriously, i couldnt have done it without you. your encouragement, concern, naggings & good cheer has been a really influence to all of us. i think you're the biggest windbag of all... ;p

  3. wahh lucky i din go training with u.. sure kenna be a "star" one

