Sunday, December 31, 2006

Dreams for 2007?

Like everybody else, time to pen down what to achieve for the coming year.

But first, a recap of the target for 2006 and the results:

1. 2.4 km < 9m:30s by 31/3/2006 - revised to 10:00 but best time still 10:13 :(
2. 5 km < 22m:00s by 30/4/2006 - never even attempt
3. 10 km < 50m:00s by 30/6/200 - Kaput!
4. 21 km < 1h:47:00s by 30/9/2006 - Far far off
5. 42 km < 4h:45:00s by 31/12/2006 - Never even start
6. 5 Km (MR) < 25m by 30/6/2006 - Not at the actual trial but 24:48 on my own. Can count.
7. To get the Mrs to take part in the half by December - Yes!
8. To get Alvin and Alicia to take up running and run 10k by December - just as difficult as getting them to do their own bed

2 out of 8. Failed!

This coming year, more modest targets or is it better to call it dreams?

1. Do a 10 km race under 60 minutes
2. Do a half marathon under 2 hours
3. Dare I dream big - complete a full marathon? Timing not important. With the Mrs as well?
4. Get the children to run at least 5km.
5. Run one oversea race preferably in cooler climate

Well I can dream, can't I? Aim at nothing hit at nothing.

1 comment:

  1. when can we run again? let target 24 June 07, Penang Marathon. last day of school holiday...4 o'clock start off time, flat terrain. Good enough?

