Sunday, December 31, 2006

Dreams for 2007?

Like everybody else, time to pen down what to achieve for the coming year.

But first, a recap of the target for 2006 and the results:

1. 2.4 km < 9m:30s by 31/3/2006 - revised to 10:00 but best time still 10:13 :(
2. 5 km < 22m:00s by 30/4/2006 - never even attempt
3. 10 km < 50m:00s by 30/6/200 - Kaput!
4. 21 km < 1h:47:00s by 30/9/2006 - Far far off
5. 42 km < 4h:45:00s by 31/12/2006 - Never even start
6. 5 Km (MR) < 25m by 30/6/2006 - Not at the actual trial but 24:48 on my own. Can count.
7. To get the Mrs to take part in the half by December - Yes!
8. To get Alvin and Alicia to take up running and run 10k by December - just as difficult as getting them to do their own bed

2 out of 8. Failed!

This coming year, more modest targets or is it better to call it dreams?

1. Do a 10 km race under 60 minutes
2. Do a half marathon under 2 hours
3. Dare I dream big - complete a full marathon? Timing not important. With the Mrs as well?
4. Get the children to run at least 5km.
5. Run one oversea race preferably in cooler climate

Well I can dream, can't I? Aim at nothing hit at nothing.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

2006 Recap

2006 has not been a very fantastic year for me mainly due to the knee injury which puts a stop to my running for the last quarter of the year. Also there was the unfortunate non start for the NBRR. Still there were bright sparks throughout like the half marathon in Thailand, the Ing Temple Run, my first swim/run event and of course getting to know a great bunch of friends from sgrunners and VRP.

My first swim/run event - The Farrer Park Challenge.

The Shape Run - first ladies only race in Singapore and the first race for the Mrs. She and her friends never looked back and went on to complete the half marathon in the SCSM 2006.

My barang barang after the knee surgery in August which puts me out for the rest of the year.

The races I did for the year

And finally, participating in fun run and races with all my friends from sgrunners, Running Lab and VRP

Happy New Year and here's looking forward to a brighter and better 2007!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Singapore Garden Festival 2006

Attended the Singapore Garden Festival last Thursday. I love flowers especially all the colours and this festival is like a dream come true. The riots of colours, the beautiful creations, landscaping

More pictures at my flickr and yahoo photos.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Life after Microfracture

Found a website by an American Chinese on his running life after microfracture. I am very much encouraged. This is evidence that there is life after microfracture. This guy, Sleelve managed to even qualify for Boston after his operation! Coincidentally, his operation was also towards the end of August in 1998 and he has posted a detailed schedule of his post-op training schedule. Comparing his program to my own, mine training seems like masak masak. No wonder he can do sub 3! Anyway, he started running around the 16 weeks which is for me like right around now.

Talking about running, did my first outdoor run (or should I say jog) today at Bedok Reservoir. It is so ironic. This time last year I ran there, Molly was the one running behind at a much slower pace and did only 1 round whereas I was far ahead and doing multiple rounds. Today is a complete reversal. She was at least 5 minutes faster than me and did 2 rounds compared to my 1. Still I have no complain. Fact is I managed to do 1 round without any pain or feeling any stress on the leg and that is a real big achievement and call for celebration!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

One night at the gym

Tried to swim last night but it rained so went to the gym instead.

Didn't felt like doing weights since had done so the previous 2 night. Did 30 minutes on the E-trainer instead. After that, while waiting for M...

She called seductively to me. Stared at her longingly. She continues to reckon.. 'Come, come on top of me, ride me, run with me..' Finally like Adam lusting after the apple and heart pumping furiously, I gave in and climbed on top. Just a quickie, try try a bit. It was over before I knew it. I climbed down, drenched in sweat of esctatic joy and flushed with satisfaction. The watch shows 10 minutes. Over in such a short time but it was worth it. 1.62km of pain free running. 6.15 pace. And so ended my first run in 3 and a half months.

Just last week Darek had reminded me: 'No running' he said. 'Run - your knee will get pain - than become weaker - than more pain - than weaker......' Must wait till can do 10 single leg squats without the knee shaking. Been practising hard but the knee simply refused to co-operate. I think if I wait, I will have to wait forever cos so far I have yet to come across anybody who can do 10 perfect single leg squat. It is textbook ideal but not practical so I will start running bit by bit until I am totally confident.

Time to think of running targets for next year?

Monday, December 11, 2006

MBT shoes review

It has been like 3 months since I got my MBT and after the initial period of getting used to it and the elevated height, I am now comfortably acustomed to it, so much so that this week up in Malaysia, it felt strange to walk so much in a normal pair of shoes. My initial review here:

Initially, during my check with the physio and the oestopath, they had some doubts as to its effectiveness as an aid for my recovery. Nevertheless, as I had already gotten hold of the shoes, decided there was no harm wearing it since my working shoes was going bald anyway.

My leg has recovered and in fact gain strength - not too sure whether as a result of the shoes and the physio and weight training (probably all 3) and Megan(my first physio) even commented that for someone my age (yah I am that old) and with such extensive injuries and repair works), my progress is much better than the average person.

I attributed a lot of it to the shoes - mostly because it forces me to really use my balancing skills and leg strength to walk about and balance on the train. One other thing is it forces me to walk slightly straighter although I don't think I can get rid of my hunch in such a short time.

Conclusion, the MBT is comfortable, fun to wear in fact and I think most beneficial as a tool for strengthening the legs. Wah this sounds like an advertisement:( but definitely for those who want to strengthen their legs without wearing ankle weights, or get a leg workout during the entire office hours, I would definitely recommend buying it.

In fact, I thinking of getting the sandal version if the shoes isn't so bloody expensive.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Aftermath

So the official results are out.

I am very proud of the young ladies who trained so hard during the past 12 weeks. I remembered first knowing them when they were just fledgings 1 year ago doing their run at Running Lab and with the exception of Karen, the rest struggled to finish the 6km run especially Ruth who complained and grumbled all the way and had to endure my nagging.

Now 1 year later, except for Karen who did the 10k, the rest Ruth, Bambi, Michelle and Molly gamely took on my dare and signed up for the half. The target was for them to complete in 3 hours although I was hoping that they can finish in 2:45. In the end, each one of them came in under 2:40.

Special mention must be made of Ruth who is going to be a beautiful bride in 1 week one. She had the least training runs - what with the haze causing her asthma to surface and than later on, injuring her ankle. All these on top of grooming herself for her wedding. She did very well considering that of the 4 gals, she had the lowest mileage but yet managed to finish under 2:40. Another plucky lady is Michelle who also didn't have a lot of time to run having to take turn with her hubby to babysit the children so that both can run. In the end, she finished in good form in 2:36. Bambi also persisted despite pain in the leg and finished in a time of 2:40mins. And finally for the Mrs who once said she cannot run and don't know how to run and those sole reason she took up running was to make sure I don't run astray.. she did very finishing in 2:20 something she didn't even expect.

So to all you ladies, I hope you don't mind my being so proud of you. You are the greatest!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

SCSM 2006

Today's the big day in Singapore running calendar.

To all my friends who ran today - well done especially to Ruth who despite her ankle injury managed to complete the half. Also to everybody else, you made me proud.

This is for you. This is your race.

For SGRunners - this one for you. See if you can spot any familiar faces.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Shopping Crazy

The shopping spree started on Thursday

1. Bought a new 3 split Fujitsu air con - most expensive purchase.
2. Went Autobacs - bought a new set of 3M car mat
3. Went Arena Warehouse sale bought 2 trunks, 1 jacket and 1 pair of gloves

Saturday went back to Arena Warehouse sale again this time with the Mrs.

4. Bought 2 swimsuits for Alicia and Amily, 1 singlet and 1 short.
5. Went Acics Warehouse sale, bought 2 pairs of shoes; one for me and one for the Mrs. Will I get to wear it for run? 2 more jackets, 4 pants and lost count....

Next week - more shopping in Malaysia
