Monday, October 24, 2005

1st Run with sgrunners

Went to East Coast for the LSD. Plan is to meet up with some sgrunners and run with the SAFRA runners. Ha! finally got to meet up with some of the runners from SGRunners, namely, Dreamrunner, DO, Brokenrunner, Ultraman, Ironman Dreamer and Gentle(?).

Supposed to be a 31 km run. Still a slight drizzle after last night heavy rain. Weather was cool. The run started at about 7.10 am. Cleared the East Coast Park in 23.17 mins app. 6.30 pace. From there, proceeded via Fort Rd, Kallang to Marina Promenade and Esplanade. Ultraman, DO and Dream Runner overtook me somewhere along the Kallang stretch after MacDonald. Then Ironman Dreamer came along and then Broken Runner also overtook me. Never mind, continued the same pace. The 21km runners turned back at the Esplanade. Said hi to Broken Runner on her way back. Stopped for a toilet break. Went up to Marina South and saw just slightly before the u-turn, Ironman Dreamer followed closely by the DO, DR and Ultraman. Man these guys are fast!

On the way back, stopped at Clifford Pier to get a drink. At the sight of the people eating, realised I was damn hungry. Damn tempted to just sit down and eat. Got the drink and scuttered out of there before temptation set in!

Earlier, had bumped into this Safra runner who keep running backward every few hundred metres. Asked him the purpose. He explained that rather than stop to rest, running backward will help stretch the rest of the leg muscle and when you turned around, will feel refreshed. Decided to try these on the suspension bridge since the distance was just nice. Alamak, the bladdy leg nearly cramped toward the end of the bridge! Saw DO, Dreamrunner and Ultraman behind me. I thought they were in front? Turned out they detour to watch Bollywood filming. They must be thinking I bladdy showoff running backward.

Continued down Tanjong Rhu and the 3 of them overtook me once again. At the East Coast Park, DO and Dreamrunner disappeared leaving Ultraman. He has stomach cramp from running last night with Dr William Tan and now running another lsd! Buah tahan. He's good. He shuffled, glided and almost walk but try as I could, couln't summon enough energy to overtake him. In the end, ran the inner footpath which is slightly shorter and managed to overtake him.

Finished in 3.01 mins according to my watch. At a consistent 6.30 pace, I think the distance is only about 29 k. Can't be more than that.

Stayed to chat with the rest for a while before rushing back to pick up the family.

Good run. Good company. Must run again.

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