Thursday, October 13, 2005

Running Partner

Ran with Novaflux met from sgrunners last evening. Yesterday supposed to run at ECP but last minute his Mrs changed mind so we ran from Simei to Bedok Res instead.

Started the run pretty late. Almost 10 pm when we set off via the park connector. Bedok Res late evening is very quiet and cool with a slight breeze. Only a few couples on the benches and saw one fogged up shaking car in the car park. What is the people inside thinking? The carpark is so bright!

Running with a partner is good. U don't feel the distance. Novaflux just recovering from some leg pain but I can feel the beginning of a shin splint developing on my right leg. So we ran slowly - probably about 7.30/km pace. This is a good comfortable pace and I probably will run at this pace for the SC Marathon. (Oops just check the Runnersworld website. Based on this time I will finish 5.15 almost same as last year time) No good. To achieve 4.30 must run at 6.30/km pace.

Novaflux is a former fencer. He has the built and can run well even though according to him he just started running 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks and already doing 15k - not bad. Another 3 weeks and he will be faster than me. Running with Sebas and BC is damm shiong. Always have to do catching up and they are always so far ahead. At least now have somebody who can run around my pace.

Return via Bedok Res Rd and Tampines Ave which is a slightly longer route. From outside Novaflux's place, sprint all the way back. That's where must have aggravated the shin. Today the pain is quite bad.

Sigh! Now got to stop running for the next few days.

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