Saturday, October 29, 2005

Pierce Reservoir

This Sunday, got company's retreat no time to do long run. No choice - took leave yesterday to do my lsd run for this week. Originally decided to run from MacRitchie to Lower Pierce and back giving a distance of app. 25K but the heavy rain the night before put paid to that. Decided not to dirty my shoes so decided just run 2 loops Pierce will do. Also read on the sgrunners forum the guys talking about prata at Jalan Kayu and realised have not eaten prata for some time - why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone?

Pierce Res is probably my favourite place to run. Other than the kamizakee drivers, it is really peaceful with nice scenery along the way and mostly sheltered. The running is all on hard asphalt ground making it easy to run on unlike MacRitchie. The killer are the slopes and there are 3 steep slopes not counting the extremely steep slope inside the SICC ground going to MacRitchie. The route from Lower Pierce to Upp Pierce ending at the dam is only 8k but with the side extension to the PUB Pump house and the side road to Upp Thomson Rd, the distance can be increased to 14k.

Started late at 8 am after dropping the kids off at school. Weather was fine initally - took the first 14 k in 1.37 hours about the usual time. Stopped at the car for a drink and decided to walk via the broadwalk. Then decided to be gunho and do some variations. Did some fartleks and backward walking on the way up to Upp Pierce. Felt good and did a final sprint on the dam. Coming back, the sun has risen and it's hot. Took the first 2 slopes slowly and up the last slope, couldn't summon enough leg strength to run up and decided to walk part of it. Getting hotter and hotter. Even the monkeys have disappeared! Finished the slope and contemplating whether to skip the route to Upp Thomson Rd but in the end decided - what the heck and continued. By the return leg, energy level running low and had to stop to walk for about 100m. The walk refeshed me and managed to pick up speed for the last stretch from the prata shop junction to Lower Pierce carpark. Total time taken: 3.20.17 hrs.

Finally then got to enjoy my prata but seems like standards have dropped. Didn't taste as good anymore!

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