Friday, December 30, 2005

Changi Village Run

Went for the 4th sgrunners running gathering. The run starts from Changi Village outside 7-11 down to Old Changi Hospital and then Loyang Ave, Changi Coast Road and back to Changi Village.
This was the same route that I was trying to get going about 2 weeks ago but which had to be scrapped at the last minute. Since I had wanted to run there for a long time, grabbed the opportunity and joined the sgrunners.

A big group came. There was many of them whom I have already met, TLR, Taz, Tiwazz, Carine, Cookie, Diver, Dream, DO and the rest meeting for the first time - 136, Walfish, Choon Wei, Teelee, Kelly and Philip.

The run started off slowly and when we reached the hospital, we walked up and stopped there for a while while 136 who had previously served his NS in the region pointed out the various buildings. It was dark and a bit creepy but with so many people around, nobody was frightened and luckily nothing uninvited joined us for our run.

We continued to Changi Coast Road - they have created a new jogging track all the way to the ferry terminal with nice clean toilets along the way - before turning back. It was more of a fun run at a very slow pace - probably 8min pace and everybody was chatting to everybody else. Most impressive was Kelly, a lady Captain in the SAF Signals. She had ran 6 marathons! Wow.

Back at Changi Village, adjourned for supper and met many more sgrunners. James, Seal (whom I saw in the carpark but didn't realised), Kops, Alvo and Meteor, Kops, Balasing, Sxuanjing, FD, Cosmic and Bee. I'm amazed - so many turning up just for supper and at such late hours too!

I enjoyed myself tremendously and look forward to future run with them.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Taming the Shrew

If you can't beat em, join them. I suppose that what the Mrs decided after she failed to get me to stop running this whole year. Last week she shocked me by agreeing to join me for my morning run. Not even the mention of long distance, 10K, waking up at 6.30 am failed to deter her. So there we were at East Coast and she managed to finish the full 10k in a very respectable time of 1h 12m.

Not bad considering this was her first 10k run - the rest of the time only about 30mins on the threadmill, although she quite regular.

Then last week 2 rounds at Bedok Reservoir finishing the 8.6k in 1h 03mins. Threw her another invitation yesterday - Pierce Reservoir. She has been there many times - I run, she catch lobsters with the kids. This time, she ran too and we even go into the air con road to make it roughly 10k. Time taken: 1h 15m. Even when I chiong up the last slope, she gamely followed.

Now I have a companion to join me for my early run and less nagging. Must get her to run until can run up to 20k then can join me for the half.

I hope she don't get to read this though - especially the title of this page:)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Kuala Lumpur

Ha home sweet home! Back from a short trip up to KL. Have not been there for some time.

This time stayed at the Mines Resort. Quite nice but boring place. Spent half the time at the shopping mall there and didn't even set foot in the Wonderland. From outside didn't think it will be worth the RM32 per head.

Followed the local and travel by train and the monorail. Quite easy to move around. Trains are clean and efficient. The taxis are terrible. All supposed to charge by meter but open door only ask where and demand lump sum.

The kids must have been bored. All the time was spent on shopping. From MidValley to Times Square to Chinatown and more shopping at Mines. The Mrs suddenly got shoes fetish. Brought 3 pairs of shoes!

Malaysia now got lot of imitation stuff - not just dvds but also sports apparels and clothings. Especially at Petaling Street. No different anymore from say Bangkok or China.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

This Weekend

This has been a busy weekend.

Friday is Alvin 14th birthday. The Mrs brought him and Alicia uniform shopping and then caught a movie. I joined them after work at Funan Centre for sushi. Seems like I hanging around Funan very often nowadays.

Saturday is our 17th ROM Wedding Anniversary. Unfortunately, it is also cousin Kim's eldest son wedding so our own celebration plans got to be put on hold until next week. Meanwhile, in the morning, we had expensive sip of tea at Cousin Kim's new place at Sunville after which had to rush to Hyatt for the company's Christmas lunch. Too bad had to skip the church wedding. Night time was trying to decide between going out to eat or badminton and then the Mrs said her brother called. The father in law is acting up again and refusing to go back to his place prefering to stick it out alone at his place. Sigh, there goes the night. We went over to persuade him to go back since he can't possibly take care of himself with both his hand bandaged up.

Sunday is a real surprise. The Mrs agreed to join me for my run so instead of going to Pierce switch over to East Coast to make it easier for her. She surprised even herself by finishing 10k. First time she ran so far and not bad in a credible time of 1h:12m. All the more surprising since here longest run to date has been 30mins run in the gym. Looks like she ready to go long distance running with me soon.

Afternon, went Queensway bought a new paie of blade for Alicia before sending the kids over to Eric's place. Tonight, the wedding dinner. Hope the food will be good! To bad got no space for the kids. Good thing is we will be alone together tonight. Ha ha!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Running Lab Thursday Night Run

Attended my first Running Lab Thursday night run. Quite a big turn out with a number of runners from sgrunners - namely, Diverrunner, Leh-lio girl, T@z, tiwazz, yulan and Cosmic. Also 2 foreigners, 1 chap from Funan Mgt office, yulan's friend and another 4 girls from don't know where. Sam from Running Lab and Eddie led the run to Fort Canning which started at about 6.45 pm.

Fort Canning is quite a confusing place to run especially in the dark. Almost like running in a maze! but the sight of the Singapore's skyline in the dark is terrific and made up for the slopes and mosquitoes. Ran only about 4km. At the end of the run, we lost the chap from Funan Mgt office and 2 girls. Waited for them to turn up but after 10 minutes or so, gave up.

Eddie then led the runners in a cool down stretching session. This guy is good. He knows all the deep stretch and which part of the body it works. Must be a trainer or something like that!

Back at Running Lab, got to know the other sgrunners better.

Another great run to end the day!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Blood Donation

Sigh, Image really getting very old. Forgot that I was supposed to receive an award yesterday for giving blood for 25 times already. Actually, at last count is already 29 times. Just this morning, was telling the Mrs the presentation was somewhere this week at Changi Simei CC. Just didn't realise it was already over.

Sign of old age?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Post Marathon

I very glad the whole family came down to support me. Alicia gave up her blading lesson and both she and Alvin waited in the hot sun for poor old me to turn up. As I had told them I will finish around 4hrs 30 mins, they had to wait for an extra hour.

Also, many thanks to the dear Mrs who overcame her fear of driving at dark and waking up at4 am to send me down and then coming back again to drive me home.

As a treat, we went to Carl Jr at Marina Sq where each one of us have this enomous burger and me, as a reward for myself - my first sip of a gassy soft drink (sprite) in almost a year!

To everybody at home - love you all. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

SC Singapore Marathon 2005

Bad Bad Bad! Big flop this year. Instead of bettering last year time, this year came in worse and to think I was actually aiming for 4.30.

Met up with a few of the sgrunners at the fountain just before the start of race. Finally get to meet Sotong. Boy is he tall! When the race started, it was every man or lady for himself.

The strategy was to run slow initially and pick up the speed later on. Covered the first 2 km in 14.25 mins. Just before turning to Marina Village, the first of the international runners were already running back. They sure are fast! Covered the next 18 km in an average speed of about 6.30 mins per km. At this stage, I was confident of completing in the target time. Along the way, saw the Lonely Runner zoom past and then Ironman Dreamer caught up and also in an twinking of an eye, disappeared.

By the time reached Nicholl Highway, it was real hot. The blind Kenyan runner doing the 21km was already turning back. Felt the muscle in my left leg tightening up. Thought it was the patt strap blocking blood flow and removed it. At the 22 km mark, stop at the toilet to apply some tiger rub. The legs was starting to act up! Walk a bit and then stopped again - this time to take a packet of hammergel. Thereafter, couldn't find the willpower to run and slowed down to a jog. Just before the u-turn at ECP, slowed down completely to a walk Both calves were now very tight. Decided then to follow Lim Ngee Huat's advice on walk 5 minutes run 30 minutes. Strange - never felt like this before! Definitely not at this distance since I have covered longer distance without any problem.

After the u-turn - decided to resume running - and wham it happened again! Immediately, both legs cramped up! Got no choice but to sit down at the turn off to Bedok Jetty and apply more tiger rub and stretch massage the legs - but no dice, cramps started appearing all over even the hamstring. Shit! Spent half an hour there trying to get my legs back before giving up and deciding to walk. Took slightly over 10 mins to walk the next 1 km and continued walking until reached the sgrunners support table. Stop and chitchat for a while. Renohtaram gave me a hydralite (whatever that is) to drink. Poor him. He had to give up running today because of some insect bit. Showed me his leg. One big ugly patch!

After that decided was well enough to run but had not even ran 50 paces before the cramp on the right calves came back. No choice, more tiger rub - no more stretching as it seems to make it worse and walk again until the 32 km. Already slightly over 4 hours. Realised there was no way I can cover the balance 10km and better my last year timing with my condition. Decided not to push myself and just enjoyed the rest of the ran.

Surprisingly, the legs choosed to behave themselves and managed to start running. First at 9 min pace for the next km increasing by 1 minutes per kim until my Red Bull from Cho manning the waterpoint at the 34 km and doing a 6km pace by the 35 km. Must have ran too fast cos at the 38 km when I stopped for a drink, the legs seized up again. sigh! so close and yet so far!

Resume walking from 38 to 39 before running again. Seems okay but bladdy hell at 41km with just 1 more km to go, the left calves cramped again. No choice got to walk. At the tunnel entrance to the Padang - there was Broken Runner and some other sgrunners. Wah - she very sexy in her red outfit. Finally after the tunnel - cannot lose face at the end - force myself to run to the end.

Total time taken: app 5:39:11 (1 hour 9 minutes behind original target time) damn malu!

Not too sure whether it is a mental thing. Last year cramp also immediately after the EC u-turn. Maybe just can't beat through this psychological barrier?

5 December 2005:

Official Results:

Chip Time: 5h:37:44s
Gun Time: 5h:39:10s
Average: 7.5km per hour
8 min per km

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I can't believe I let such a good photo taking opportunity passed away. There I was at 5 pm at East Coast Park waiting for Alicia to finish her blading lesson when who should walk by - but the whole gang of international runners for the marathon. They seem to be out for a recce. I just stared at them open--mouthed and forgot that my current phone is a camera phone and I could have taken their pics even video and maybe even take a photo with any of the Kenyas. What a dork!

Tomorrow is the big day. Will I be ready? The shin is still giving some problems but seem okay. Have not been running since last Sunday run at Bedok Res. Tuesday, did some water running and Thursday did 30 mins on the e-trainer.

Anyway, just finished running through my last year results and I did average of 7.30 min per km and 8 km per hour. My walking point started at around the 30 km point outside the chalet. At that time, I was just slightly over 3 hours. This time round I shall not make the mistake of sitting down to rest or stretch. Hopefully, the weather will be fine and I can better last year lousy timing.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Review of Training

Just finished reviewing my training for the marathon. Have been following the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST) marathon program for the past 16 weeks. This program is meant for those able to run 10 miles (16 Km) and comprises only 3 runs a week (very suitable for people like me with no time to run). It basically comprises a Speed, a tempo and a Long run per week. The caveat was: it was going to be tough and injuries was expected. True enough, twice my shin splint came back due probably to the intensity of the speed work. Also lost 2 weeks to the flu.

What was surprising after my review was that compared to last year when I followed another program from Runner's World was that I had not covered much more total distance this year although I have ran many more longer distances this time round. Last year, in the 16 weeks run up, I did a total of 486 km over 43 runs averaging 30km per week with an average distance of 11 km per run compared to 560 km over 41 runs for a average of 35km per week on ave of 13 km per run. May be I could have covered more if I had not lost the 4 weeks to the flu and leg injury?

Last year, I finished in 5.16:10. Can I do better this year? The shin is still sore hopefully it will not give trouble this Sunday.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Run with MR 25

Yesterday, decided to join Sebas and his MR 25 runners for their LSD. Heard the MR 25 runners are fast. A bit apprehensive whether can keep up with them.

There was a group of about 30 runners. They split into 2 groups - the slower one to start first. Sebas and myself started with the so called 'slower runners' at 7 am. The route - MacRitchie to Seletar and back - total of 20k. Within 10 minutes of starting, the front pack was gone from my sight. Whoa! We were already running at app 6k pace and those buggers are fast despite most of them like look way above 45 years old. Sebas said to take it easy - no need to follow their pace. Decided to stick to one slightly older looking guy running about my pace. Then the 2nd batch came and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye. My God and I thought the first group was already fast. I estimated they were all running at 4.50 to 5m pace and we had barely passed Thomson Plaza.

Finally reached the toilet at Seletar. By then, there were only 4 of us left - the rest had already turned back long ago. Stopped to take the Hammergel and chitchat with the 3 runners. Then saw a familiar looking lady running past. Realised it was Carine from sgrunners. Caught up with her and said hi. She was running at quite a slow pace so after some time decided to speed up and left her.

Reached back to MacRitchie alone. The older guy I was sticking with had gone ahead when I stopped at the petrol station to get a drink while the other 2 guys were nowhere in sight. Quite sure they didn't past me. Also no sight of Carine.

Time taken 1hour 58m. Not too bad 6min pace throughout - considering the toilet and the drink break which cost me at least 5mins. Found out later the other MR 25 runners clocked on average 1.20 to 1.40. Sebas took 1.37.

I think better stick to running with sgrunner. These people at MR 25 simply way too fast for me.

Friday, November 18, 2005

1st Eastside Run

Finally managed to get the 1st Eastside Run on yesterday evening. On Tues, Novaflux and myself were sceptical that anybody will join. It just seem so hard to get the 1st run off but finally it happened.

A total of 5 runners came - Bee (the only belle), Cosmic Wind, Vorx, Novaflux, myself and my coach/mentor/running buddy Sebas. We were supposed to run off at 7.00 but Novaflux was late and eventually we set off at 7.30 pm.

We started at Simei St 3, up Simei Ave passed by ITE Simei (where everybody unaminously wished the sports complex could be opened to public); Xilin Ave past Schneker (where Bee works); and turned into Changi South Ave 3, 2, Street 1 back to Ave 3 where a big bunch of workers cheered us on (almost like running the marathon) down to Changi Business Park (next to the PIE going to Pasir Ris and SLE). Part of the path was flooded so we had to walk a bit and then back to Ave 1 and Expo Road. Then we saw the supposingly haunted Pulai tree. The tree is supposed to be 'uncutable' but it is dying. The fig tree growing on it is choking it. As it is, the top that stands out in the past is already gone. Stopped at Expo 7-11 for Novaflux to get a drink and as usual, Sebas to go for his toilet break! Turned into Simei Road and finally through Sunbird Road, Harvey Road before reaching back to Eastpoint. Time taken app 1.18hrs including traffic light, toilet break, walking over water....

Vorx saids he run only once a week but you really couldn't tell cos he was always running way ahead. Very fast. Sebas and Novaflux spent half the run figuring out how to calibrate their polar heart rate monitor/watch. Bee claimed she can't run fast but she also good. I think no problem for her running the half marathon. Cosmic is a strong runner and I think the pace was a bit too slow for him.

Now that the 1st Eastside Run is over - maybe can get the 1st CBD run off the ground as well.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Sunday 13 November 2005

Yesterday was a long day. Woke up at 5.00 am to go for my final long run. Saw thunder flashing and promptly went back to sleep for another hour. Finally took off at 6.30 am. The Mrs was going to use the car later so decided to run from Simei to East Coast and meet her there after the run.

The morning air was cool. Reached East Coast Park in app 37 mins. From the underpass, turned up to SAFRA Resort. Met a relative of the Mrs. U-turn at the Resort. Reached the first toilet. Stoppd for a water break. Alamak, the drink stall has closed down! No choice, made do with tap water. Continued up to Fort Rd, crossed the metal bridge and uturn at the 10 km marker. On the way, met Dan walking with his mother (filial son), Novaflux running with his sister-in-law and the Mrs's relative again. Don't know his name. Look like he's training for the marathon as well. This 10 km - took 1.07 hrs. Very comfortable pace. The sun has risen and it's hot, scorching hot. Stopped for toilet break, followed by a drink and then later at the food centre took my $6.95 GNC energy gel. Don't know whether it's all in the mind but felt more spring in the leg. Finished this 10 k in 1.15 hrs. Wah very slow but energy level running low. Distance so far 32k +/-. Continued up to SAFRA resort again. It's hot, very hot. Can feel the leg starting to seize up. U-turn at SAFRA entrance.

By now very tired and no water. Saw an inviting stretch of shade and decided to pause for a short rest. Ha - the trouble with running without a companion! simply no motivation to push myself that little bit further! The minute I sat down, I knew I was in trouble. The front of both legs started to harden up and cramped. Did some stretching and massage and called the Mrs to drive up to the nearest car park and I tried to walk there to meet her. After walking for about 5 minutes, realised the leg felt light again and decided to run again. Surprisingly, felt good and decided to run the remainder targeted distance but the Mrs called and said she's at the carpark. So final distance ran 37.5 k +/- in a 'record' breaking time of 4.38hrs. Shame - no where to hide my face.

Anyway, despite the slow time - was more optimistic than ever. Firstly, was able to simulate the cramp and most important of all recover from it. This will be very useful during the actual race. Secondly, the experience of running in the hot sun and letting the body get used to the distance and time. The pace today especially during the 1st 20km is the pace I intend to do for the marathon so today was really a good practice.

In the afternoon, attended the sgrunnes gathering talk given by Lim Ngee Huat. His recap of his 168 k run round Singapore really inspired me. If he can do 168k at 52 years I don't see why I can't do a proper 42 at age 43! Also, got many tips and pointers on training. Met many more of the sgrunners. Too bad got no time to join in the run.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Book Review - HP & the HBP

Finally finished reading Hairy Otter and the Half Boiled Pig.

Surprisingly, this round the kids are not so interested in it. In fact, when it first came out, none of them wanted to buy it. Then Alicia decided to buy it for my birthday. That was September and after 2 months I finally managed to finish it. Hurray!

I think JR Bowling is running out of idea. This book as compared to the earlier books is not as exciting and in fact positively boring at times. It lingers to long on Hairy Otter and his obession with Loneey Mavoc. Then I supposed she figures her readers are also growing up with Hairy Otter so she has thrown in a lot of lovely dovey stuff.

The final sequence at Hogwash sounds more like a Star Wars movie with burst of fires flying all over.

And what is a book without a dead hero - so somebody got to die - and this time Dumbnbore got KO by a snarling Snoop. At least that puts an end to the adulation of Dumbnbore.

Never mind did understand why the Christian got so work out about this series of book. It is nothing more than fiction and any goodnu kids will know that there are no such things as witches and wizard only got power rangers and pokemon.

Rating: ZZZZZZ

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Meeting with f 500

Met up with f500 otherwise known as Walter at Running Lab last evening to discuss his Thursday evening run. Ironmandreamer aka Ben also turned up.

Walter is the GM of Running Lab. He's also into adventure racing. He also co-owner of Wallet Shop and Outdoor Traveller.

Walter haven't got any thing fixed up yet. Basically he's looking for a few fellas to lead runners for casual run. He got 1 staff, a Safra runner and needs a few more. Routes shld be mainly to Marina Promenade, Marina South and Fort Canning.

We discussed which day is best - he wants Friday but Ben thinks Fri is no good and suggest Tue to Thu. I agreed. Fri - people want to go clubbing, movies etc and will not be in the mood to run.

No conclusions in the end. Got to wait and see.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday Afternoon Run

The Mrs and Alicia went for blading lesson this morning. The Mrs failed her level one. They want to go back in the afternoon for part 2. So eveybody went to East Coast.

Surprisingly, weather was good. Not hot. In fact very windy. Somebody on the sgrunners forum was talking about a crazy 3.30 run. Maybe not so crazy after all. Decided there and then to run and then Sunday can sleep in.

Started at 4. Went the first 5k at 5 min pace and eventually finish at 5.28. Sigh - still can't go below 25mins. Slow down a bit and then went for a last burst at the 8k. Finish the 10k at 51min. Saw Alicia cycling and decided to challenge her. So continue but she was cycling slowly waiting for Mummy and Alvin to catch up. Reduced my own speed to 6.10 pace for the next 5k and then picked up for the last 5k. 20k in 1.51hrs. Reward myself with an ice-cream. Yummy!

Holy shit - after watching tv and upon getting up - could walk - the shin splint is back! Look like next week running is off. :(

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hari Raya Day

10:30 am - The family went for badminton. The weather look good - cool and breezy. Decided to do interval at Tampines Stadium. Did 12 x 400 at average speed of 1.32 per round. Wrapped up at 12 noon. A bit something wrong already - the Mrs said :)

2.00 pm - Went to the fish farm at Pasir Ris to stock up on fishes for the now nearly bare fishtank. Alicia wanted tetras - so changed the theme to Amazon and bought a whole batch of different type of tetras plus some more chiclids for the chiclid tank.

5.00 pm. - Went to Suntec to collect my i-mode phone from Starhub. Got 1.3 megapixel and can surf internet and push mail. Some more free until Feb!

7.30 pm - Ate dinner at Ah Shui Zhu Zhar Tiang at Changi Rd. Expensive and don't seem so good. No wonder no more crowd.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Deepavali Run

It's Deepavali and I spending my time doing a #$%^^ run when I should be snuggled in bed. It rained the night before and so was cooling for a while before the ##$$% sun came out and it become scorching hot. Damn shiong to run from East Coast to Marina South and back.

Sebas came with me again. This time he woke at 5.00 am to clear his stomach otherwise he sure go ps again. Running with him no choice the pace was slightly faster and went the 35km in 3.37mins. My target was maybe 3.45 so not too bad still can take the pace. Sebas continued for another 2 km while I gave up back at the start point at ECP. No more energy to go on. Sigh! Like that how to continue for the next 7 k?

Read in today's paper about a lady who complained a pub owner refused to give her a piece of ice-cube during her run at EC. Typical Singaporean! They scare give one free ice cube - next time there will be a queue outside the shop! That's why I don't bother to ask - even from the army guys when they do their unit run and have drinks station along the way. Kena rebuff then malu.

Always be prepared - bring or buy own drinks

Monday, October 31, 2005

Company's Retreat at Orchid CC

Saturday was the start of the company's Breakaway Weekend at Orchid Country Club. Originally supposed to be held at Kukup, Mgt chickened out and changed it to OCC cos they said there got dengue. As if Yishun got no dengue! Anyway, we enjoyed the time there though. The activities lined up was great fun - suppose to help promote teamwork and all that jazz. The food was not good but plentiful. The highlight was the bowling game. We had 3 games each - 1st game for team high score, second one - handicap where the winner is the team with the most 1 pin standing and 'bohgay'. The last one was one eye jack where we have to wear an eye patch to bowl. Not easy but sure great fun!

Sebas got his MR 25 Elite Run the next morning. He supposed to go back but the bowling ended late so he decided to give the MR 25 run a miss. Sayang! He got a 50/50 chance of getting his sponsorship. I suppose he got so many free Nike stuff that he can pass up the chance 2 years in a row.

Sunday morning, woke up early to go for a short run. Decided to follow the advice of the good people at sgrunners and run to the dam. First time I ran there although been there once during my reservist many years ago. Sebas came with me. That guy - everytime he ran, he must let go. Down there no toilet so he kena do his business in the bush! Later on the way back saw a dead snake on the ground. Hope the snake didn't die from being bombed by him! The run itself was nice - nice scenery and little traffic. Wasted not enough time otherwise will love to run into Seletar West Camp. Took 1hour 02 mins - my guess about 11km but could be shorter since we stopped to look at this guys who came up with baskets and baskets of crabs.

On the way back met some runners including Dreamrunner. He was yelling something like Sanji so I guess Sanji must be with him. Said hi to a pretty girl running behind the guys. Found out today she is Cheeryrunner.

After breakfast, we have water sports - weird games like jenga in the water, scrabble etc hot sun but fun. Lunch and then adjourned to the function room for a wild game where we shouted ourselves hoarse. Teabreak debrief and the retreat finally ended at 5pm.

Surprise - the Mrs finally pluck up enough courage to drive on her own and pick me up. What a great way to end the weekend!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Pierce Reservoir

This Sunday, got company's retreat no time to do long run. No choice - took leave yesterday to do my lsd run for this week. Originally decided to run from MacRitchie to Lower Pierce and back giving a distance of app. 25K but the heavy rain the night before put paid to that. Decided not to dirty my shoes so decided just run 2 loops Pierce will do. Also read on the sgrunners forum the guys talking about prata at Jalan Kayu and realised have not eaten prata for some time - why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone?

Pierce Res is probably my favourite place to run. Other than the kamizakee drivers, it is really peaceful with nice scenery along the way and mostly sheltered. The running is all on hard asphalt ground making it easy to run on unlike MacRitchie. The killer are the slopes and there are 3 steep slopes not counting the extremely steep slope inside the SICC ground going to MacRitchie. The route from Lower Pierce to Upp Pierce ending at the dam is only 8k but with the side extension to the PUB Pump house and the side road to Upp Thomson Rd, the distance can be increased to 14k.

Started late at 8 am after dropping the kids off at school. Weather was fine initally - took the first 14 k in 1.37 hours about the usual time. Stopped at the car for a drink and decided to walk via the broadwalk. Then decided to be gunho and do some variations. Did some fartleks and backward walking on the way up to Upp Pierce. Felt good and did a final sprint on the dam. Coming back, the sun has risen and it's hot. Took the first 2 slopes slowly and up the last slope, couldn't summon enough leg strength to run up and decided to walk part of it. Getting hotter and hotter. Even the monkeys have disappeared! Finished the slope and contemplating whether to skip the route to Upp Thomson Rd but in the end decided - what the heck and continued. By the return leg, energy level running low and had to stop to walk for about 100m. The walk refeshed me and managed to pick up speed for the last stretch from the prata shop junction to Lower Pierce carpark. Total time taken: 3.20.17 hrs.

Finally then got to enjoy my prata but seems like standards have dropped. Didn't taste as good anymore!

Monday, October 24, 2005

1st Run with sgrunners

Went to East Coast for the LSD. Plan is to meet up with some sgrunners and run with the SAFRA runners. Ha! finally got to meet up with some of the runners from SGRunners, namely, Dreamrunner, DO, Brokenrunner, Ultraman, Ironman Dreamer and Gentle(?).

Supposed to be a 31 km run. Still a slight drizzle after last night heavy rain. Weather was cool. The run started at about 7.10 am. Cleared the East Coast Park in 23.17 mins app. 6.30 pace. From there, proceeded via Fort Rd, Kallang to Marina Promenade and Esplanade. Ultraman, DO and Dream Runner overtook me somewhere along the Kallang stretch after MacDonald. Then Ironman Dreamer came along and then Broken Runner also overtook me. Never mind, continued the same pace. The 21km runners turned back at the Esplanade. Said hi to Broken Runner on her way back. Stopped for a toilet break. Went up to Marina South and saw just slightly before the u-turn, Ironman Dreamer followed closely by the DO, DR and Ultraman. Man these guys are fast!

On the way back, stopped at Clifford Pier to get a drink. At the sight of the people eating, realised I was damn hungry. Damn tempted to just sit down and eat. Got the drink and scuttered out of there before temptation set in!

Earlier, had bumped into this Safra runner who keep running backward every few hundred metres. Asked him the purpose. He explained that rather than stop to rest, running backward will help stretch the rest of the leg muscle and when you turned around, will feel refreshed. Decided to try these on the suspension bridge since the distance was just nice. Alamak, the bladdy leg nearly cramped toward the end of the bridge! Saw DO, Dreamrunner and Ultraman behind me. I thought they were in front? Turned out they detour to watch Bollywood filming. They must be thinking I bladdy showoff running backward.

Continued down Tanjong Rhu and the 3 of them overtook me once again. At the East Coast Park, DO and Dreamrunner disappeared leaving Ultraman. He has stomach cramp from running last night with Dr William Tan and now running another lsd! Buah tahan. He's good. He shuffled, glided and almost walk but try as I could, couln't summon enough energy to overtake him. In the end, ran the inner footpath which is slightly shorter and managed to overtake him.

Finished in 3.01 mins according to my watch. At a consistent 6.30 pace, I think the distance is only about 29 k. Can't be more than that.

Stayed to chat with the rest for a while before rushing back to pick up the family.

Good run. Good company. Must run again.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Running Home

Finally I did what I had wanted to do for a long time. Ran home from office yesterday. Supposed to run with Novaflux and Sebas but Novaflux got class so in the end it was just down to Sebas and me.

Started at Republic Plaza at 6.16 pm. Down to UOB Centre along Singapore River underpass to Esplanade - saw all those people doing the Bull Run. Thought the runners supposed to be in half office attire - how come majority in t-shirts and singlets? Anyway continued along Marina Promenade and bump into BC on his run going back to his office. Poor him - still going back to work. Cut out to Nicholl Highway Merdeka Bridge and down to Stadium Walk. Went behind the Indoor Stadium and cross the suspension bridge to Tanjong Rhu and down to Fort Rd and finally reached East Coast Park. Time: 47.01 mins. Running at aggraration speed of 6.10 pace I suppose that makes it about 7.5 km.

From East Coast to Bayshore underpass, took another 41.33 min stopping to buy a drink at the vending machine. Distance app. 6.5 km.

From the underpass to Bayshore, then Upp East Coast Rd to Bedok Corner, down behind Eastwood. This is the part of the route I don't like. Have to run along the road and the traffic is damm bladdy heavy. For this 3 km stretch, took 19.29.

Reach the part connector - a short 1.1km + down Upp Changi Rd East and Simei Ave and home sweet home. Not bad stil maintaining the pace. Time taken: 17.37m. App 2.5.

Total distance covered: 19.5 +/- 0.5 km. Total time taken: 2.05.42

This Sunday - Sebas will be doing his practice at MacRitchie. He got an elite runner qualification coming up next Sunday. Have to complete 10K at MacRitchie under 44 mins. His previous best time was 39.02. Now with age catching up, he's not so confident. But if he qualifies - it's another year of sponsorship from Nike. Wish I can qualify too!

Won't be joining him this 2 Sundays though. Let him do his fast run. Me - has decided to join some of the people from sgrunners and do a 30k.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Went with Sebas to Queenstown stadium. Original schedule calls for 8 x 800 intervals but as the pain in the shin is just easing off, took his advice and cut it to 8 x 400.

Warmed up by running from Sebas' place in Commonwealth to the stadium. Started the first lap smoothly but as usual trailing Sebas by more than 50m. Finished the first lap in 1.34min. Went faster for the 2nd and hit 1.27. 3rd lap 1.29. Thereafter, couldn't maintain anymore. 4th round was a slow 1.36. Improved slightly to 1.34 fr the 5th and then 1.35, 1.33, 1.33 for the last 3.

Not bad timing. First time I managed to hit below 1.30 for 2 consecutive lap. Maybe the weather helped.

For Sebas, his average time was 1.22m.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cross Training

Couldn't run this morning. The shin still giving problem. With just 7 weeks to the marathon, a bit worried but what to do. The Mrs said she run with me in the afternoon. Told her want to run, run in the morning - you never knows whats going to happen later. True enough - it started running cats and dogs for the rest of the day.

Ended up in the gym in the afternoon. Decided not to chance it and use the cycle. Cycled for an hour. Cycling is very different from running. You can't get the kick and the dog tiredness of running unless you cycled damn hell far. As a cross training - I suppose it's useful although read somewhere that runners should not cycle too often becose it uses different set of muscles. Wonder how those triathlon guys do it?

Weighed myself and discovered has lost another 1 kg. Now down to 72.5 kg. That's bad! BMI is still at a healthy 22.1 but my idea weight is 75. Since going down from 83 last year, have been quite successful at maintaining at 74 until this 2 months.

Have been neglecting gym work. Probably need to work out more at the gym to build up some more bulk. Again some runners believe doing weighs is no good for runners as the heavier weigh slow them down. But I suppose too skinny also no good.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Fishy Business

Yesterday, Luolly died. The day before, Snakey died. So sad.

Snakey is Alicia's pet leopard bichir. She chanced upon it at the fish farm a few months ago and immediately fell in love with it. Initially, we put it with Luolly but kena bullied so we put it with the smaller cichlids. 2 days later, it jumped! Molly woke up one morning and found it moving around near the fish tanks. It survived the fall and seem none the worse for it.

About 2 weeks later on a raining Sunday morning, it jumped again! This time, Mom found it outside her bedroom about 8 ft away from the tanks. She thought it was a snake grabbed hold of a plastic bag, scooped it in and flung it out of the window! When I woke up for my run, she told me about it. Straight away, my thought was - it has to be Snakey. True enough, couldn't find Snakey in the tank. By then, Alicia had woke up. She started crying.

Mom went downstair to look for it. Whoa and behold, she returned with Snakey still inside the bag motionless but still alive! Somehow, it managed to survive the 6 floors drop! Put it back in the tank and it swam and went to hide in its usual corner under the rock. It must have suffered internal injuries cos it never swim around anymore. And then yesterday, it just died. It must have suffered during these past few months.

Yesterday morning, woke up to find Luolly lying on its side barely breathing. Luolly has been with us since it was a tiny fry given away by the fish shop during the days when Luohan fish was the craze. It has grew from a tiny 3 cm to a whopping 8 inches. Luolly was not beautiful. It has no colour, no obvious marking and only a tiny little hump. Don't even know its pedigree. But the kids couldn't let me dispose of it so it has stayed with us for the past 3 years! Really surpised to see it in this condition. No choice but to put it out of its misery! Coincidentally took a photo of it the day before using the new phone. Maybe it is 'pantang'?

The other cichlids have also been dying recently. Snakey could have got something from there but Luolly was in another tank - hmm maybe fish flu?

Time to change the tank set up and maybe keep some other type of fish?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Running Partner

Ran with Novaflux met from sgrunners last evening. Yesterday supposed to run at ECP but last minute his Mrs changed mind so we ran from Simei to Bedok Res instead.

Started the run pretty late. Almost 10 pm when we set off via the park connector. Bedok Res late evening is very quiet and cool with a slight breeze. Only a few couples on the benches and saw one fogged up shaking car in the car park. What is the people inside thinking? The carpark is so bright!

Running with a partner is good. U don't feel the distance. Novaflux just recovering from some leg pain but I can feel the beginning of a shin splint developing on my right leg. So we ran slowly - probably about 7.30/km pace. This is a good comfortable pace and I probably will run at this pace for the SC Marathon. (Oops just check the Runnersworld website. Based on this time I will finish 5.15 almost same as last year time) No good. To achieve 4.30 must run at 6.30/km pace.

Novaflux is a former fencer. He has the built and can run well even though according to him he just started running 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks and already doing 15k - not bad. Another 3 weeks and he will be faster than me. Running with Sebas and BC is damm shiong. Always have to do catching up and they are always so far ahead. At least now have somebody who can run around my pace.

Return via Bedok Res Rd and Tampines Ave which is a slightly longer route. From outside Novaflux's place, sprint all the way back. That's where must have aggravated the shin. Today the pain is quite bad.

Sigh! Now got to stop running for the next few days.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Lunch Treat

Had lunch on the Company at Triple 3 Mandarin today. Food there is good as usual.

Give way to temptation and took more than usual and loads and loads of chocolate. Must have gain at least 2 kg.

Need to run the excess away. Maybe tonight although just did some speedwork yesterday.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Today Run at East Coast

Woke up at 5.50 this morning for the LSD run at East Coast. Schedule is to do a 20.8k. Got a sms from BC - he not coming. Pick up Sebas. Original plan was to start from the Sailing Club side run towards Fort Rd join up with the SGRunners. However, since coming down from Queenstown, logical to park at Fort Rd side and start from there.

Start the run at 6.50 towards Fort Rd - up the bridge to the construction site and then u-turn to the 0 Km mark. Passed the SGRunners doing their warm up outside MacDonald. Too far away to say hi.

The first 5 km pretty slow 24.5m. Sebas stopped for a toilet break and I continued. He said he took 23 mins to catch up with me. Ran together until the toilet at the end had a drink and then off he zoom. At 15km lose sight of him. Started running faster to chase after him.

Passed by the SGRunner again. This time slightly off the UDMC chalet. Too tired to say hi.

Reached the carpark. Finished at last. Sebas is already there. Time: 1.52.38. His tme: 1.48. Not too bad. Just a few minutes off his time.

Next week: 28 k - where to run? Maybe Pierce haven't been there for some time.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Found a huge community of running enthusiast or rather one of them found me and invited me to join their group at So honoured.

Haven't met any of them personally yet but seen them at the various runs recently. Seem like they ranges from school kids to seniors like me. Most of them though appear to be in their late teens and early twenties.

It's good to find a support group where can share tips, help each on running matters. Some of these guys are very on. From there first time heard of such a thing as a metronome and race ready shorts. Didn't even know such things exist!

Hopefully, the group can grow to be as well known as MR 25 and the Hash runners. But then again if too big must register as a society?

To everybody in sgrunners - Keep running!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dengue Alert

Just saw from the notice board downstair that there are 2 dengue case in the estate. As far as I can remember, this place has always got mosquitoes and last year even had to complain to the NEA. Guess what - after the complain they came and inspect my house! As if I could breed mosquitoes and then turn myself in!

Heard on the radio about the latest dengue death. A colleague also got it but luckily only spent 2 nights in hospital. More info on dengue:

Seem like this dengue thing is not going to end any time soon. Read somewhere on the internet about taking papaya juice or some pegaga juice can help to restore the blood count. Hopefully, it's true.

The Mrs making noise about my running in the evening at Bedok Res. Afraid I might get bitten. Told her it's all fate. If God meant for us to go, we go. Can get bitten anywhere - at home or any other place!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Die Running

Another case of sudden death from exercise!

Shocking that such occurrences seem to be appearing in our papers more and more often.

Maybe I be next? Last night doing intervals in the gym - on the 6th lap, was going dizzy and nearly fall off. Managed to finish the 7th and final 800 though and today still in one piece.

What is causing these deaths? According to reports, most of these people have an hitherto unknown heart condition. But then how to explain why some have been running and exercising for ages and then suddenly drop dead from a simple run.

Is there more to it than meet the eyes? Maybe some aliens choose only the fittest guy around and suck the life out of them? Maybe these people have a internal battery put in at birth or during surgery and the battery clonked out? How come only the guys dropoed dead? Why no ladies? Is this guy mad from running and writing rubbish?

Anyway, my sincere condolences to the family of the two recent departed. God bless their soul!

For me - it will be a fitting end to die running -- but not so soon - must live to see my children get marry first. According to the Death Clock my date of death will be 23 June 2036 another 31 years to go which will make me 74 when the Almighty Runner come for me. Hmm still a long way to go! Definitely can see the children get marry maybe even have grandchildren. But will I still be running then?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Back At Work

What a way to end the long weekend!

On Sunday, went to MacRitchie again - this time with BC and Sebas. Ran 15k from the carpark to Upper Pierce, u-turn at toilet and back to carpark via the Golf link. Somewhere just off the PUB substation before the Ranger Station, there was a foul smell. Had smelled it on Friday. Maybe there is another dead body there? Finished the run in 1.43 hrs which was much better than Friday run.

Then in the afternoon got hit by a stomach flu and threw up everything I ate. As usual, straight away the Mrs blamed it on my running. She said I was running too often and therefore don't have enough rest and therefore the body become weaker and weaker..blah blah, blah.... Hmm maybe some truth to it or simply just getting older?

Got a MC for yesterday went back and slept the whole day until 7pm.

Back at work today. Hopefully, the rest of the week will be okay. Scheduled for this weekend LSD is a 27km run.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Long Weekend

Finally, after so long, got a long weekend break from work.

The weekend starts early - last night went to the Nokia Starlight Movie. Lucky thing the tickets were complimentary - otherwise will be cursing and swearing. There was 3 times when the show got cut off. Somemore got to sit on the grass. Very uncomfortable. At $15.00 per ticket - I think the movie goers deserve better. Lucky thing the show Hitch was nice. But still don't understand why so many people will pay $15 bucks to sit on the ground and watch a show that can be rented from the video library at a much cheaper price. Romantic - the Mrs certainly didn't think so!

This morning - went to MacRitchie to run. But first had to drop the Mrs off first. Started the run at about 9.40 am. Decided to run 25k according to the training schedule. That means 2 and a half round on the 11km route. The ground was still wet after yesterday downpour. Didn't run so fast. Took 1.08 to run the first 10k. Went the second round at an even slower pace and eventually finish off at 2.28 hrs. Didn;t manage to finish the 25k though. Stopped at 21.5. Too hot (nearly 12pm by then). Still not too disappointed with the timing. It supposed to be a long slow run and beside my first time running 2 rounds on the MacRitchie circuit.

After that went to collect my NB RR cert. Holy shit - they have a photo of me drinking water and walking on the cert! There are so mnay better ones in Sportsphotox - why they choose such a lousy one!

Then went to the NB Technical Centre. Why they call it a technical centre - beats me. The sales staff there are no better than the others at the other outlet. Service is good though but everything got no size. I would have thought this would be the place where they have got all the stocks.

Sunday going back to MacRitchie with Sebas and BC. Planning to run 15k. Hopefully, start earlier can get a better time.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Finally managed to do another LSD yesterday. It's was running cats and dogs in the morning so was a bit disappointed. Then had to go to work. Stopped at 5.30 and went to East Coast. Weather was good so decided to do a longer run.

In the end, ran 20 km. Finished it in 1.55.58 hrs which was good considering that is was the first long run in 3 weeks.

So far the past few weeks, been doing the 3 runs a week training recommended in Runners World mag. To date been able to do the interval and the tempo runs as per schedule but the long run has been difficult due to the RR and the Mizuno Wave plus the flu and bad weather.

The 3 runs comprises a speedwork which progress from 8 x 400 to 4 x 1600, the tempo ranges from short(4k) to long(12k) at a speed slightly faster than 10k pace and finally a lsd ranging from 16k to 35k. So far the toughest has been the speedwork as speed is not my forte. Do noticed a slight improvement in my tempo run recently though.

Will I be able to do the full marathon with this program and not want based on mileage? I hope so.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Side Track

Alamak, I started this blog not just to write about running but more to persuade myself that I'm even if growing older, must still continue to learn and be better than the younger people. That way, cannot be outsmarted or lose my job to a younger person.

But somehow along the way seem to be sidetracked into writing more and more about running.

Anyway, saw this advertisment about a Fit ball trainer who is 73 years old. She started exercising only after she retired as an architect and has now started a business training people using the fit ball. Showed the Mrs her photo and asked her to guess the age - she said about 50. Boy was she surprised when told she is already 73. Hmmm, wonder how the Mrs will look like when she turns 70?

I suppose all my running around is not just for fitness and personal satisfaction but may be in my heart I want to stop growing old. Wrong - should be 'aging'. A person cannot stop growing old but can stop aging.

Anyway, I'm happy to note that for someone who is past 43 now and still consder a novice runner, I can still outrun many people, (even regular runners) but then again there are many older folks out there who can outrun me.

Back to the starting block!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mid Day

It's lunch time and here I am in the office.

Just recovered from the flu attack. Growing old - used to get 1 cold a year now's it 3 times in 2 months and some more took almost a week to recover.

I guess when a person turns 40, or like me just touch 43, the body is no longer so agile, so fit and probably despite all the hard training - never the same as that of a 20 or even 30+ guy.

Only consolation is when I look at the number of runners who are older than me like Jafar, even BC, the old man at Tampines/Bedok Res etc who can run rings round me, I am inspired and so I shall press on. Sure I cannot turn back the clock but I shall try to keep at preventing it from going forward.

Wasted about the AHM otherwise this could have been a good LSD run. Reading the blogs of the other runners, it seems that everybody ran well. Good for them and keep it up all you runners out there.

Tonight will continue my training for the marathon. Target now is to do at least 30k every week according to the schedule. Hopefully, can find enough time to fit in.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


While the rest of the running world in Singapore is running away, I was enjoying my sleep. It's hurts to have to miss this run especially after training hard for it and looking to better my last year time. What to do? Damm bladdy flu!

Anyway, a small consolation. Last week Mizuno Wave Run number came out in last night 4D draw. Again not the exact sequence but bought $5 ibet so win $200 or so. So total winning since the RR is now $2900.00 including what the Mrs gave me for hitting 2nd prize from my RR registration no.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

To Run or Not to Run

Last night got fever. Today still don't feel very good. How to run tomorrow? Maybe should just heed my own advice and don't run. Otherwise die how? Ha ha - then family become very rich. Good for them.

Also don't feel like taking part in the 2nd link. Have to reach JB by 4 and must bring passport. Dann lechay.

Suppose no choice but to wait until the SC marathon.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Damm bladdy Virus

Why so sway! Kena flu or whatever again! 3rd time in like within 2 months. Like that how to run this weekend?

The SBR&AHM is a particularly sentimental run for me. It was my first mass run after I took up running last year March and this year is the 2nd time I am running and I am looking to better my time last year.

The Mrs is already making noise about my running and with this &*&%$#@@ flu, how to run?

Just hope though that it's not dengue...

11.30 Went to see the doc. Good - regular doc is around. Also a sportsman. His verdict - common cold but no running this weekend. Sigh. Look like got no choice but to sign up for the 2nd Link.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Runnng for Money

Can't believe it! Another strike! Number tags for this weekend SBR&AHM came out and the NB Real Run came out again in yesterday evening Big Sweep draw. Not in exact sequence but different combi. Still managed to win $102.00 for an output of $10.00 in the ibet. Not bad. Probably better than the winners of last week Mizuno Run who ends up with free trial membership.

Total winning from these 3 runs todate: $689.00 More this weekend and next Wed?

Continue like that - can turn pro - just to get the number tag! Haha

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Don't Run Until Dead

Read on SGRunners about the girl who had to be admitted to hospital after collapsing on the beach at the NB Real Run. Also, at the Mizuno Wave, saw 1 guy lying on the floor being attended to by paramedics. Myself, at the RR, threw up immediately after the run - an experience that I have never got before and all the more shocking just 10Km.

I think the problem with a lot of runners including myself is we tend to push ourself - one more km, one more minute even though we are sick and cannot tahan anymore. Some call it determination but I think doctors have a term for it - crazy.

On my runs especially at Bedok Res and EC, also see some runners (usually the overweight) wearing hoods, trackpants and tracksuits and fully zip up running. In our hot weather, this is suicide! The heat get trap inside the body and the body temperature goes up. Without adequate water, it will be easy to get dehydrated and consequently heatstroke.

I also seen 1 guy at my home gym trying to run when he very obviously had shinsplint. He will run a few minutes then stopped, grimace in face rub his leg (as if that will cure the pain) and continue and the cycle repeat.

So for what's it worth to anybody out there who reading this - if you are sick, don't run - there's always another day. If you have started running and don't feel well halfway through - walk. There's no shame.

Better to walk to the finish than to be carried there!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Mizuno Wave Run

Alamak, when I drove past the running route enroute to the start, I was a bit apprehensive. And when reach the start and saw only an inflatable ballon as the start/finish gantry I was like - what is this? a community centre fun run? No electronic timer no distance markers!

The run itself was fun - just a short bit of facing sun and after the u-turn, shade all the way till the end. Drinks were inadequate - after the u-turn at the drinks station, overheard the helper commenting that there was not enough water. At the end point - not even a water station!

BC though he has a chance of coming in top 10 in the veteran's. So we stayed back to wait for the results. More boo boo. The MC was annoucing time of 18 mins + for the 10 & 9 placing for the veterans before he shut up when I think he also realised it was impossible to achieve that type of timing for a 10K run. BC was disappointed he didn't came in the top 10. Anybody out there knows the actual results?

Me? - decided at the start to take it easy and so ran at a relaxed pace and came in at 52.49min. Unfortunately, since this is self timed - will never know what is the actual.

Next week - the SBR&AHM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Running into luck

I can't believe it. 3 strikes in a row!

Yesterday night, my NB Real Run number tag came in 2nd in the Big Sweep draw. Not in the exact order but all 4 combi. Too bad I only bought the i-bet so didn't strike much but the real picking - is the first prize 2263. That was the receipt no and both Mum and wife hit jackpot. Poor me - never buy.

Last year, after the 2nd link and the marathon, my tag number came out starter in the following week draw - again never strike cos not in habit of buying 4 D

Official result is out: Chip time: 53:58 Gun Time: 54: 40. Not too bad should have been able to do better but nevermind cannot win the race but still can get some cash.

Look like have to buy this weekend Mizuno run number.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Running from God

A friend emailed me yesterday and asked why I stopped going to church and why don't I go again. I considered telling her that I am always busy running on Sunday morning and got no time for church. Then I understand nowadays church services goes on almost the whole Sunday - early morning to evening so no good excuse there.

Yeah indeed? Why did I stopped going to church? Thinking back trying to recall the reasons - I was a pretty active church member in my youth and then sadly at the church where I worshipped, the English and Chinese service had a disagreement and split up with the English service (which was where I worshipped moving to AMK). That was too far for me in town so I switched to another church. Big mistake I supposed. I was never made to feel welcome there and nobody actively approached me to take me under his wing. I never felt a sense of belonging and eventually just stopped going altogether.

I know a lot of people who when they grow old turns to religion. I never considered myself a non-Christian and sometimes in my moments of misery, will whisper a silence prayer to God for strenght. Now that I'm past the big 4, I often think of God.

So should I go to church? or continue running on Sunday mornings? or am I just running from God?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

New Balance Real Run

Finally the first competitive run for this year. Haven't fully recover from flu. And why the hell they have to start so late! At 8.45 the sun is already blazing hot. Still feel pretty confident. First target for this year - to run below 51 mins. During the previous practice run, have come close - 52 +.

Reach the start point and see the crowd - shit have to get in front otherwise will be stuck behind among the mass. BC said he will pace me and he thinks I can touch 48 m.

Alamak, they start the junior 5.5k off at 8.30. Then it's our turn at 8.45. From where I am, took 39 secs to cross the start line and another 2.53 mins to reach the first 500m. Not a good start. BC is urging me to go faster but how can with so many people in front. He's good. For someone who is nearly 10 years older, he runs like a gazelle.

First km - 5.54 mins not too good - at this rate will not be able to hit 51 mins. Got to speed up. The next 4 km was much better - average about 4.6 min. Hit the beach. Shit, they cordon off the running path - right at the edge of the beach. The sand is so soft today unlike the previous runs. Guess too many people trampling over it has loosen all the sands. And it's hot. Took 6.29 min just to run this 1 km stretch of the beach. The next beach was no better. Another 6.56 mins to run the next 1 km stretch. Too hot. Feel like giving up and walk. Push myself on.

The home stretch. Another 3 km to go. Have a drink and start dashing. Legs crying out for relief. Slow down a bit. 5.26 mins each for the next 2 km. Already 49 mins on the watch. No way to run the last 1 k in 2 mins. Still must try. Body, mind and soul all screaming for me to stop. 5.29 min and finish at last. The time on the finish line shows 51 something I think, my watch shows 55.07 mins.

Couldn't be bothered. My body is screaming for relief. Gulp down a cup of 100 plus. BC is already there. Went to one corner to rest - very very exhausted. Never felt like this before. Don't know why? - Is it the heat or the effect of the medication I took this morning? And then the bile all came out - dash to one corner and started throwing up. Yuck. Couldn't even walk well. Luckily BC was there. Gave me more water. Made sure I was steady.

What went wrong? 55 mins for a 10 k is something that I routinely hit in practice run. Next week Mizuno Wave Run - try's again for the 51 min.

Never ever give up!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Where are our good salesman?

The other day - registered for the Mizuno Wave Run at the Downtown East World of Sports.

The service was acceptable. The salesman was attentive when I said I wanted to sign up. He than volunteered that there was a 40% discount on Mizuno shoes valid only on the day of registration. 40% why not? So I asked the guy - which shoe he recommend for long distance running.

That's was when all the headache starts. He picked up the first pair and said 'This is new' So I asked him whether it was suitable for me. Instead of replying, he picked up another pair and said this one also not bad. He continued with a few more pairs each time showing me how much money I will be saving on the 40% discount. Finally, I told him I will get my current Mizuno shoes from my car and show him what I need. He took one look and said 'old model' pick up another pair and told me it cost only $97+ after discount. Fadup but still keen to buy a new pair, told him to get me any one in my size US11.5. He came back with 2 different pair both size 11 and told me no more size 11.5 try 11. Then I asked him what's the difference between the 2. His answer - I quote "This one got 2 holes at the side but this one only 1' Asked him what the holes were for and he looked at me blank! Finally, I told him to get any pair of size 11.5 and he finally came back with a Mizuno Maverick.

My grouse - our sport sales personnel in Singapore are all totally lacking in training. They don't even know how to look at foot type, know which shoes is for which type of running - they just want to close the deal! It was the same at a Sportslink outlet at Eastpoint the last time I tried to buy a pair of shoes. When asked to recommend - the pretty little salesgirl recommended a pair of Nike. Her basis for the recommendation? She was wearing the same shoe!

I think sporting goods outlet should trained their sales staff well instead of trying to cut cost and employ parttimers who don't know the difference between trail and tracks.

For me, I think it's back to good old Queensway where most of the proprietor are personally running the outlet and have good knowledge gained from their year of experience.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Money equal justice?

Damm! What a time to get the flu or is it the common cold? Never can tell the difference! Need to pysche myself up so that can run this Sunday.

Read about the American guy who was arrested for bringing in porno DVD. Can't believe the police buy his story that the dvds belongs to his brother and was accidentally packed in. Such they may or may not belong to his brother but it was definitely shipped over for him to enjoy! 1 piece I believe is a mistake but 58? Only an idiot will believe such crap!

Unfortunately, this just goes to show that even in Singapore, if you have money and connections, you still can get away with breaking the law. Look at the poor Malay chap with the low IQ. No lawyer to defend him and what he kena? An increased jail sentence. Who the hell advised him to appeal? Now if this Malay guy has money and the right family background, somebody will have arranged for him to be warded and the sentence to be compounded.

I guess Singapore is no different from any other countries after all!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Running Calendar

Yesterday afternoon after the rain stopped, went for a long run. Has not been running longer distance for the past few weekends as have been running at Sentosa practising for the Real Run. Finished the 20k run in a comfortable time but must have caught something becos after that, threw up. Maybe push myself too hard.

One thing I don't understand - why must race organisers cramp all the events together? Why don't they spread it over the year? Apart from the club runs, starting from the New Balance Real Run this weekend at Sentosa, next Sunday there is the Mizuno Wave Run at Hougang and then the next next Sunday will be the Sheares Bridge Run followed by the Terry Fox Run on 17 September. Organisers - why don't you guys co-ordinate the dates with the Sports Council and spread out the events?

Taking part in some of these shorter run is causing havoc to my training for the marathon where I need to build up my mileage and the only time I can run long distance is during the weekends.

Easy solution is not to take part but I love the challenge of beating my PB at these certified races and not to say - get hold of the t-shirt, which I must admit have been getting better with each year. This year, both New Balance and Mizuno are giving away dri-fit or whatever they call it t-shirt, better than the cheap cotton tees they used to give away.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Accept thyself

Read an article in the Sunday Times about exercising for senior citizen and how exercise can slow down aging. Tried out this web site: Real Age. I scored well - real age is 38 instead of my current 42 going on 43 although don't really look like it. Hair is all white so got the Mrs to dye it dark brown but it turned out jet black so now look so artificial.

Over the weekend was looking at the old photo albums. Amazing, from skinny to fat and now back to skinny. Have I overdone the exercise and running? Lost a lot of weight from around the cheek but the beer belly is still there - don't think it's possbile to get rid of it. But still, I am at my optimum BMI for my height so don't think I want to lose any more.

Nowadays a lot of people especially the young ladies are going for the skinny look. Some of them especially the actress are already so skinny yet they are still trying to lose weight. Where got the fat to lose? They are setting a bad example for their fans. The only way to lose weight and fat is to exercise and eat right not pop some miracle pills. Haven't the Slim 10 case makes these people wiser?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Be Prepared

Wednesday, I started formal training for the year end marathon. Not that I have not been in training. Weekly I have run on average 25 - 30k as part of the preparation for the marathon. But the difficulty was finding time to run long distance on weekdays. But last week, my running buddy gave me an article from the Runners World magazine. It is a 3 time a week training program for the full marathon with detailed training program for 16 weeks. It basically comprises of a speed work, a tempo run and a long run per week. Looks feasible but most of all it promises to help reduce body fat and improve timing. Wow.

So I had my first speed work - running 8 x 400 intervals. Not too bad. But at such fast pace, will I get injured easily - or will I burnout? Maybe I should have a plan B?

But I suppose one can never be fully prepared for all eventualities.

Look at poor Andrew Kuan. That guy started in 1999 preparing for a presidential bid in 2005 - one should think more than enough time to think of everything yet despite that - he never plan for all his contacts to sabo him!

Oh well I suppose just train and prepare as best as can be and hope for the best.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Story of Two Ladies

I read the story of Margaret Wong (Today Newspaper 8 August 2005) with interest. At 63, she has completed 10 marathons, 1 triathlon, is able to climb 20 floors of stairs, cycles from Bishan to Pasir Ris and is now going to cycle 620 km to KL. I really really salute her! And to think that she started all these only in her 40s and appear to be picking gear as she grows older.

Appearing in the same newspaper on the same day, is another senior citizen, Sally Wong (no relation I guess?). Looking fairly healthy judging from her picture, she speaks of loneliness, not having some one to interact with and appears to be looking for a social group to fit in.

What a contrast! Here we have 2 senior citizens of the same sex and around the same age. One appears to be enjoying life to the max while the other appears to be moping away maybe just waiting for her time to come. Maybe the newspaper should put the 2 ladies together!

So what's causes the difference? I suppose it is the attitude towards life. No one owes you a living and certainly nobody is going to come after you picking up the pieces for you or just standing there waiting to serve you. You have to reach out and grab what you want.

And that's what Margaret Wong did - she didn't just stop and forget the idea when her son refused to let her join him on his mountain climbing expedition. Instead, she reach out and achieved what she wants for herself.

And that has to be the way for me, you and everybody else who wants to have a better quality of life!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Run Free

Yesterday at Suntec City I had my first feel of the new Nike Free running shoes. It was amazingly soft and flexible. According to Nike, "athletes who train barefoot see improvement in their strength and flexibility; by mimicking that movement, Nike Free delivers the protection of footwear with the benefit of barefoot running"

I must said that I am impressed with the shoe. It is amazingly light, soft and flexible. The broken up ridges on the sole allows it to be bend any which way. And of course, coming from Nike, the design is fantastic. The only pooper - it cost a hefty $146+

I remembered when I was a full time NS man in the early 80s. We were giving a pair of black canvas shoe. The sole was so thin it was almost like running barefoot. It was lightweight and soft being made entirely of canvas and so flexible due to the thin rubber sole. Sound familiar? To all of us recruit, it was as good as running barefoot only the sole prevent us from cutting our feet on the road. The cost of the shoe? Probably not more than $10.00.

So why pay so much more for a glorified version of it?

I say bring on the good old canvas shoe!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Run for What?

My mother asked me: "Why are you running so much? You are already so skinny!" My running buddy told me: "You are not clocking enough mileage. If you want to do well in the marathon, you need to clock at least 90 Km a week!" The Mrs said "Why do you keep going running and leave us at home? You kill yourself one day running for so long!"

Indeed, why do I keep on running. Since picking it up last year, I have progressed from running twice a week to thrice a week running at least 8 - 10 km on weekdays and 15 - 20 km on weekends. And for what?

To lose weight? I have lost enough already. From 86 to 75kg in the space of 1 year.
To keep fit? I am now fitter than I ever was - even fitter than my full time NS days.
To compete in competitive runs? - No way, not in a hundred years can I hope to win anything especially at my age.

So should I slow down the pace a bit or should I continue or even increase the mileage to make sure I can finish comfortably in the marathon?

Yesterday, I ran almost 2k to Tampines stadium. From there, I ran a 2.4km and clock 10.44min. Not a great time by other's standard but for me it was unbelievable. The last time I had this type of timing was during the NS days. Now nearly 25 years later, I have did it again. It was fabulous. Somehow, words cannot describe the joy I have at the big improvement and the knowledge that I am getting there - reaching targets that I had set when I decided many months ago that all this running was going nowhere and I need to set personal best targets - 2.4k under 10m, 5 k under 25, 10k under 47, 21k 1.50, and the full 4hours by the end of the year.

So I suppose I run not to get fit, lose weight or win prizes - but just for the satisfaction of achievement PB. Is that wrong?

Friday, July 29, 2005

Motivation and Encouragement

Just realised I got a comment from no less than Mr Brown. Mr Brown's article in the Today paper is one of those articles that the Mrs and me look forward to reading every week. I don't know how he discovered my blog - I haven't expect anybody to read it becos how do you search or find a blog out of the millions out there. Other than the famous ones reported about in the papers, I have not been able to search for other local blog. I tried searching using key words but usually end up with irrelevant results or worse no results. Anyway, Mr Brown if you reading this - thanks for the encouragement.

Even though I now consider myself a seasoned runner, his few words of encouragement gave me new motivation to push on because truth be told - I often feel like stopping - why am I pushing myself so hard - to run faster and further with each run - when life is so unpredictable and one can die anytime. Look at all those recent deaths after running cases - most of them are so fit and young yet they just drop dead like that. Why not just eat drink and be merry - for who knows what tomorrow bring?

Everybody need a reality check now and then. Sometime after doing things our own way, one need someone to pull you back a bit - to say "whoa, wait a minute! are you going too fast for your own good". Also sometime when you feeling lousy, you need someone next to you to push you on. And not surprisingly, all my encouragement and motivation have always come from people older than me but most surprisingly from strangers like Mr Brown.

One time I was running at East Coast Park. A guy ran past me and in order not to loose out, I caught up with him. However, his blistering pace soon killed me and I slowed down considerably. He must have been aware of me like all runners are aware of each other and also slowed down and waited for me. We got to talking. Turn out he was slightly over 50 years and had ran more than 10 full marathon. That time I was training for the 2004 Dec marathon and was not confident at all that I can complete it never having run such a long distance before. He gave a lot of tips and advices and I really appreciated that becose to do so he had to slow down his pace to match mine.

Just as a harsh word can spoil one day, a word of encouragement can uplift and turn a lousy day (or lousy run) into a wonderful day.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Running sucks!

Running sucks! No matters how experience you are and how often you run, you find yourself gasping for air as the air get sucks out of you with every step you pound on the pavement. Your side hurt (stitches they call it although I don't see any stitches there), you develop cramp in your thigh, foot and for some in the stomach. For those who run longer distance, your toes turn black and drop off, you start to get pain which never goes anway and your knees seized up everytime you walk up and down the stairs. All in a rotten deal but yet why are there so many people running all over the places?

Just take a walk in any parks on a weekend morning or evening and you find tons and tons of people - the young, the very old, the skinny, the fattest guy who waddles more than run, the showoff who runs barebodied in the skimpiest of short or sport bras, the very fit training for the next competition and the nutcase wearing full body suit with hood. Nowadays, even during lunch time in Shenton, you can see people sacrificing their lunch hours to run.

So many people can't be wrong. And so I slog on, one step at a time.

Yesterday morning, I was at Sentosa practising for the coming New Balance Real Run, which is a 10 km trail run. This time, I was pacing a friend, somebody 10 years younger than me. As I run alongside with him, I reflected on my running journey. I had come a long way since than.

I started running regularly in March 2004 after deciding that I need to beat the middle age blues. As I ran, there came a time when I felt that all this running was going nowhere. So I began to set targets - and km by km, I set out to conquer them. Since then, I have completed the Sheares Bridge Half Marathan, the SC Singapore marathon and this year my target will be to better the timing. Now I no longer consider myself a beginner - a run for me is usually about 8 - 10 km with a longer run on a weekend. I am now able to run faster and longer distance. And most important of all I feel younger at least in mind although not in appearance.

Maybe running doesn't sucks after all!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Middle Ageism

Read Mr Brown's article in Today (22 July 2005) on middle age. Like him, I went out and bought a load of Star Wars figurines when the movie Revenge of the Sith was run. These now sits proudly in the display cupboard with the Ultraman collections which replaced the tea pot collections.

You know you are old or middle age (politically correct terminology I suppose?)when

1. It takes you 3 months of hard running to lose 0.5 cm off your waist or 1 kg of weight but 1 nice buffet to gain 1 cm and 1 kg weight

2. You thought of having sex every night and that's all you do - think about it cos you are asleep the minute you lie down on the bed

3. You fall asleep in the middle of Friends, CSI, Charmed and Smallville

4. You wake up at 8 am on a weekend morning to watch Astroboy and Justice League

5. Your idea of a night out is supper at the Bedok South Hawker centre eating bak-chor mee.

Then I read in some articles that exercise will increase your metabolism and help to loose weight, keep your mind alert so you don't fall asleep in the middle of the meeting or in front of the telly and best of all improve your sex life.

So encouraged by this and since it was the cheapest and easiest, I took to running. I have never been good at running, running only when the IPPT was around the corner. Even then, it was not a problem passing the IPPT not in good time but nevertheless, still a pass. But not having run since reaching the big 4 and no more IPPT or ICT, when I first resume running at the ripe old age of 41, it was a nightmare! I could barely made 10 minutes and the next day the whole body felt like it was going to shatter with every step I took.

Running sucks!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Old people unites

Just discovered my 11 years old daughter got a blog. Got her to show me how to do this. Can't believe kids nowadays. The things they know. Just 5 minutes ago, was using IM to talk to my 14 year old son in the next room. That got his attention straight away - otherwise he forever glued to the com.

If old froggers like us don't catch up with the young, we will fall behind - at work and in life and the generation gap will grow wider and wider and the young punks in the office will climb all over. The bossess will think we are idiots and make us report to these young jokers if we are lucky or worse get them to replace us!

All people above 40 - rise up and take the challenge - learn as much as you can and keep yourself healthy so that you will forever have the ability and energy to keep up with the youngster.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Running Targets

Distance Target Time Target Date

1. 2.4 km < 9m:30s 31/3/2006
1st attempt: 10m:44s 8/1/2006 Gym

2. 5 km < 22m:00s 30/4/2006

3. 10 km < 50m:00s 30/6/2006

4. 21 km < 1h:47:00s 30/9/2006

5. 42 km < 4h:45:00s 31/12/2006

6. 5 Km (MR) < 25m 30/6/2006
